hello all
i am a begineer in the world of arduino
i would to build for a project a system based on a arduino
the project will be able to display the gps coordinate (latitude and longitude) and also the magnetic north with a compass
i need to buy some module
i want to buy the following :
for the compass module : Modulo arduino brújula GY-273 HMC5883L Triple Axis Compas Magnetometer
for the gps : GY-NE06MV2 GPS Modules Replace 3V-5V Power Supply Aircraft Flight Controller
for the screen : 5V 2004 20X4 204 2004A LCD Display Module Blue Screen
for the module arduino : arduino mega or arduino uno
the project is to display in real time the compass orientation, the gps coordinate in deg min sec on the display
can you tell me if i need other board to build this project and if you have some tutorial
thanks a lot