GSM module for Canada without using 2G

Locating a GSM module that'll work in Canada has been driving me nuts for a few weeks now. Canada (and Australia for that matter) is no longer supporting 2G. Every GSM module that works to send texts with Arduinos seems only to use the 2G network.

Has anyone actually gotten a GSM module to work in either of those countries?

Locating a GSM module that'll work in Canada has been driving me nuts for a few weeks now. Canada (and Australia for that matter) is no longer supporting 2G. Every GSM module that works to send texts with Arduinos seems only to use the 2G network.

Has anyone actually gotten a GSM module to work in either of those countries?

Im in london and 2G dont work here either for sim800L. sim7600E will work for 4g network according to a specialist I contacted, he recommened me that... check it out.

Forget the word GSM.
That was the original ETSI standard from which 2G, 3G and 4G evolved.
The telephony layer of those three generations is essentially the same, while the data support has evolved / developed significantly.
As well as the modulation and encoding schemes, the frequencies being used have also shifted around a bit.
5G will kick that apple cart over, so prepare to upgrade in a couple more years.

I’ve been using SIM 5320 (3G) shields fo 3+ years in Australia, no problems except that the various cell carriers use different bands, and you may need to pick from the various variants (A/E etc) in the region and footprint you’re serving.

More recently, I’ve started moving across to SIM 7600C modules with excellent results across all the 3G and 4G networks here in Australia. (Only tiny code changes needed in my application)
They’re also about 3x faster in most operations... except cell registration, because they scan a lot more bands than the 5320.

(( Aside: I’ve noticed that during heavy cell congestion during CV-19, the SMS completion ‘OK’ takes a lot longer from the modems. ))