Guidance on way forward

I m new to arduino but was advised I may get some advice on here ref a project I would like to work on.
I am looking at putting some buttons/switches on the steering wheel of my classic track car. looking for some sort of board that would wireless connect from steering wheel to say some relays to operate the likes of lights and wipers from steering wheel.
Also looking for a board that would take some analogue signals say from oil pressure switch, and indicators and transfer them to a digital signal that can be sent to a tablet with say the realdash program so that it would show o tablet programe.
Can anybody advise if there is a Arduino board that would be fit for purpose for any of these two ideas.



Any Arduino board would cut this like a blowtorch to butter.

Obvsly you’ll need two when you do the steering wheel thing. Form factor may be more important than particular specific differences between Arduinos.

There are a number of inexpensive routes for wireless connection between the two. Most are well supported by libraries. Here I would suggest the RF433 bare bones modules. Opinions will vary, but you probably don’t need a wifi kinda thing.

As for realdash, google is your friend. Less than 30 seconds tells me there is much to learn and it looks like an active area… “realdash arduino” no quotes, looks like the first thing to worry about is the actual physical and electrical connection between the Arduino and the display.

A challenge will be providing clean and adequate power to your project(s). The automotive environment is brutal, which applies to physical packaging and mounting as well.

HTH and sounds cool. Good luck, keep us informed.


looking for some sort of board that would wireless connect from steering wheel to say some relays to operate the likes of lights and wipers from steering wheel.

There are several options.

The neatest would probably be to use the ESP8266 boards (such as the WemosD1) which include WiFi but can also use ESP-NOW which is probably more appropriate for your project.

Another approach is to use Arduino nanos in conjunction with nRF24L01+ transceivers.

In either case you will have to consider how you get 5v power to the device mounted on the steering column. Most likely that will require wires and if you have power wires why not also a couple of extra data wires and avoid the risk of interference with wireless signals.

Simple nRF24L01+ Tutorial
ESP8266 with ESP-NOW as an alternative to nRF24L01+

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