hi guys.
I'm working on a car for my son. Everything should be controlled via Xbee, but really I'm at the step before.
I'm actually driving two dc motors in both directions via arduino.
using a L293D (which should be enough for the all thing)
this image is preatty close to my circuit, but I'm using also the upper parte of thecircuit
Everything seems to work, but vey slowly.
I explain.
If I cchel if both motor are working, connecting a battery to the wires, bot motors a re spinning very fast.
this doesn't happen thorugh the H-bridge.
I'm not using any capacitors, can this be the problem (and if then, where should I place them?)
oddly enough, the original circuit used for both motors 7.5V, I'm using 9V batteries for each one!!! :o :o :o
Note: I'm criving noth enable pin though analogWrite 255
please help