Halloween Eyes project issues

I followed this tutorial instructables
I uploaded this code, one eye is flashing (seems that the black lid that is above the iris is switching from left to right all the time what casing the flashing) the second eye is working fine. When I change the code and place "#define NUM_EYES 2" to "1", both eyes are working fine bud they have both left (or right) eyes lid what looks on-natural. Cannot find out what's wrong here

YouTube video to show you the problem with the eye LINK

update: I am learning here on the spot how to use the forum, so I keep this post updated.

Code uncanny-eyes-skull.ino

// An adaption of the "UncannyEyes" sketch (see eye_functions tab)
// for the TFT_eSPI library but adapted for two 240x240 px displays.

// For wiring see the wiring folder.

// Configuration settings for the eye, eye style, display count,
// chip selects and x offsets can be defined in the sketch "config.h" tab.

// To increase performance DMA should stay enabled.
// Two 240x240 px displays run at 32 FPS.
#define USE_DMA

// Load TFT driver library
// Use the predefined user setup Setup46_GC9A01_ESP32 of the TFT_eSPI library.
// Either select via library/TFT_eSPI/User_Setup_Select.h or as you like.
// An update of the library will overwrite the file above.
#include <SPI.h>
#include <TFT_eSPI.h>
TFT_eSPI tft;

#define BUFFER_SIZE 1024

#ifdef USE_DMA
  #define BUFFERS 2
  #define BUFFERS 1

uint16_t pbuffer[BUFFERS][BUFFER_SIZE];
bool dmaBuf = 0;

typedef struct {
  int8_t  select;       // pin numbers for each eye's screen select line
  int8_t  wink;         // and wink button (or -1 if none) specified there,
  uint8_t rotation;     // also display rotation and the x offset
  int16_t xposition;    // position of eye on the screen
} eyeInfo_t;

#include "config.h"     // ****** CONFIGURATION IS DONE IN HERE ******

 // functions in the user*.cpp files, please enable one
extern void user_setup(void);
extern void user_loop(void);

#define SCREEN_X_START 0
#define SCREEN_X_END   SCREEN_WIDTH   // Badly named, actually the "eye" width!
#define SCREEN_Y_START 0
#define SCREEN_Y_END   SCREEN_HEIGHT  // Actually "eye" height

// A simple state machine is used to control eye blinks/winks:
#define NOBLINK 0       // Not currently engaged in a blink
#define ENBLINK 1       // Eyelid is currently closing
#define DEBLINK 2       // Eyelid is currently opening
typedef struct {
  uint8_t state;        // NOBLINK/ENBLINK/DEBLINK
  uint32_t duration;    // Duration of blink state (micros)
  uint32_t startTime;   // Time (micros) of last state change
} eyeBlink;

struct {                // One-per-eye structure
  int16_t tft_cs;       // Chip select pin for each display
  eyeBlink blink;       // Current blink/wink state
  int16_t xposition;    // x position of eye image
} eye[NUM_EYES];

uint32_t startTime;  // For FPS indicator

void setup() {
  while (!Serial) {
    ; // wait for serial port to connect
  }  Serial.println("starting");

  // enable backlight pin, initially off
  Serial.println("backlight turned off");


  Serial.println("initialising displays");

#ifdef USE_DMA

  // raise chip select(s) so that displays can be individually configured
  digitalWrite(eye[0].tft_cs, HIGH);
  if (NUM_EYES > 1) digitalWrite(eye[1].tft_cs, HIGH);

  for (uint8_t e = 0; e < NUM_EYES; e++) {
    digitalWrite(eye[e].tft_cs, LOW);
    digitalWrite(eye[e].tft_cs, HIGH);

  Serial.println("backlight on");

  startTime = millis();

void loop() {
  // use user_loop, do not add things here

Code config.h

// Pin selections here are based on ESP32
// Only the default_large eye runs on 240x240 px.
// For all other eyes resolutions need to be adjusted in eye_functions.

// GRAPHICS SETTINGS (appearance of eye) -----------------------------------

// If using a SINGLE EYE, you might want this next line enabled, which
// uses a simpler "football-shaped" eye that's left/right symmetrical.
// Default shape includes the caruncle, creating distinct left/right eyes.


// Enable ONE of these #includes -- HUGE graphics tables for various eyes:
//#include "data/defaultEye.h"    // Standard human-ish hazel eye -OR-
#include "data/default_large.h"   // 240px standard human-ish hazel eye -OR-
//#include "data/dragonEye.h"     // Slit pupil fiery dragon/demon eye -OR-
//#include "data/noScleraEye.h"   // Large iris, no sclera -OR-
//#include "data/goatEye.h"       // Horizontal pupil goat/Krampus eye -OR-
//#include "data/newtEye.h"       // Eye of newt -OR-
//#include "data/terminatorEye.h" // Git to da choppah!
//#include "data/catEye.h"        // Cartoonish cat (flat "2D" colors)
//#include "data/owlEye.h"        // Minerva the owl (DISABLE TRACKING)
//#include "data/naugaEye.h"      // Nauga googly eye (DISABLE TRACKING)
//#include "data/doeEye.h"        // Cartoon deer eye (DISABLE TRACKING)

// ESP 32 DISPLAY HARDWARE SETTINGS (screen type & connections)
#define TFT_COUNT 2        // Number of screens (1 or 2)
#define TFT1_CS 21         // TFT 1 chip select pin (set to -1 to use TFT_eSPI setup)
#define TFT2_CS 22         // TFT 2 chip select pin (set to -1 to use TFT_eSPI setup)
#define TFT_1_ROT 2        // TFT 1 rotation // 0 = 0° pins bottom, 2 = 180° pins top
#define TFT_2_ROT 2        // TFT 2 rotation
#define EYE_1_XPOSITION  0 // x shift for eye 1 image on display
#define EYE_2_XPOSITION  0 // x shift for eye 2 image on display

#define DISPLAY_BACKLIGHT  -1 // Pin for backlight control (-1 for none)
#define BACKLIGHT_MAX    255

// EYE LIST ----------------------------------------------------------------
#define NUM_EYES 2 // Number of eyes to display (1 or 2)

#define BLINK_PIN   -1 // Pin for manual blink button (BOTH eyes)
#define LH_WINK_PIN -1 // Left wink pin (set to -1 for no pin)
#define RH_WINK_PIN -1 // Right wink pin (set to -1 for no pin)

// This table contains ONE LINE PER EYE.  The table MUST be present with
// this name and contain ONE OR MORE lines.  Each line contains THREE items:
// a pin number for the corresponding TFT/OLED display's SELECT line, a pin
// pin number for that eye's "wink" button (or -1 if not used), a screen
// rotation value (0-3) and x position offset for that eye.

#if (NUM_EYES == 2)
  eyeInfo_t eyeInfo[] = {
    { TFT1_CS, LH_WINK_PIN, TFT_1_ROT, EYE_1_XPOSITION }, // LEFT EYE chip select and wink pins, rotation and offset
    { TFT2_CS, RH_WINK_PIN, TFT_2_ROT, EYE_2_XPOSITION }, // RIGHT EYE chip select and wink pins, rotation and offset
  eyeInfo_t eyeInfo[] = {
    { TFT1_CS, LH_WINK_PIN, TFT_1_ROT, EYE_1_XPOSITION }, // EYE chip select and wink pins, rotation and offset

// INPUT SETTINGS (for controlling eye motion) -----------------------------

// JOYSTICK_X_PIN and JOYSTICK_Y_PIN specify analog input pins for manually
// controlling the eye with an analog joystick.  If set to -1 or if not
// defined, the eye will move on its own.
// IRIS_PIN speficies an analog input pin for a photocell to make pupils
// react to light (or potentiometer for manual control).  If set to -1 or
// if not defined, the pupils will change on their own.
// BLINK_PIN specifies an input pin for a button (to ground) that will
// make any/all eyes blink.  If set to -1 or if not defined, the eyes will
// only blink if AUTOBLINK is defined, or if the eyeInfo[] table above
// includes wink button settings for each eye.

//#define JOYSTICK_X_PIN A0 // Analog pin for eye horiz pos (else auto)
//#define JOYSTICK_Y_PIN A1 // Analog pin for eye vert position (")
//#define JOYSTICK_X_FLIP   // If defined, reverse stick X axis
//#define JOYSTICK_Y_FLIP   // If defined, reverse stick Y axis
#define TRACKING            // If defined, eyelid tracks pupil
//#define AUTOBLINK           // If defined, eyes also blink autonomously

//  #define LIGHT_PIN      -1 // Light sensor pin
  #define LIGHT_CURVE  0.33 // Light sensor adjustment curve
  #define LIGHT_MIN       0 // Minimum useful reading from light sensor
  #define LIGHT_MAX    1023 // Maximum useful reading from sensor

#define IRIS_SMOOTH         // If enabled, filter input from IRIS_PIN
#if !defined(IRIS_MIN)      // Each eye might have its own MIN/MAX
  #define IRIS_MIN       90 // Iris size (0-1023) in brightest light
#if !defined(IRIS_MAX)
  #define IRIS_MAX      130 // Iris size (0-1023) in darkest light

Code eye_functions.ino

// Code adapted to run with TFT_eSPI compatible processor on ESP32,
// running on two 240x240 TFT displays.

// Uncanny eyes for Adafruit 1.5" OLED (product #1431) or 1.44" TFT LCD
// (#2088).  Works on PJRC Teensy 3.x and on Adafruit M0 and M4 boards
// (Feather, Metro, etc.).  This code uses features specific to these
// boards and WILL NOT work on normal Arduino or other boards!
// SEE FILE "config.h" FOR MOST CONFIGURATION (graphics, pins, display type,
// etc).  Probably won't need to edit THIS file unless you're doing some
// extremely custom modifications.
// Adafruit invests time and resources providing this open source code,
// please support Adafruit and open-source hardware by purchasing products
// from Adafruit!
// Written by Phil Burgess / Paint Your Dragon for Adafruit Industries.
// MIT license.  SPI FIFO insight from Paul Stoffregen's ILI9341_t3 library.
// Inspired by David Boccabella's (Marcwolf) hybrid servo/OLED eye concept.

#if !defined(LIGHT_PIN) || (LIGHT_PIN < 0)
// Autonomous iris motion uses a fractal behavior to similate both the major
// reaction of the eye plus the continuous smaller adjustments that occur.
uint16_t oldIris = (IRIS_MIN + IRIS_MAX) / 2, newIris;

// Initialise eyes ---------------------------------------------------------
void initEyes(void)
  Serial.println("Initialise eye objects");

  // Initialise eye objects based on eyeInfo list in config.h:
  for (uint8_t e = 0; e < NUM_EYES; e++) {
    Serial.print("Create display #"); Serial.println(e);

    eye[e].tft_cs      = eyeInfo[e].select;
    eye[e].blink.state = NOBLINK;
    eye[e].xposition   = eyeInfo[e].xposition;

    pinMode(eye[e].tft_cs, OUTPUT);
    digitalWrite(eye[e].tft_cs, LOW);

    // Also set up an individual eye-wink pin if defined:
    if (eyeInfo[e].wink >= 0) pinMode(eyeInfo[e].wink, INPUT_PULLUP);

#if defined(BLINK_PIN) && (BLINK_PIN >= 0)
  pinMode(BLINK_PIN, INPUT_PULLUP); // Ditto for all-eyes blink pin

// UPDATE EYE --------------------------------------------------------------
void updateEye (void)
#if defined(LIGHT_PIN) && (LIGHT_PIN >= 0) // Interactive iris

  int16_t v = analogRead(LIGHT_PIN);       // Raw dial/photocell reading
  v = 1023 - v;                            // Reverse reading from sensor
  if (v < LIGHT_MIN)      v = LIGHT_MIN; // Clamp light sensor range
  else if (v > LIGHT_MAX) v = LIGHT_MAX;
  v -= LIGHT_MIN;  // 0 to (LIGHT_MAX - LIGHT_MIN)
#ifdef LIGHT_CURVE  // Apply gamma curve to sensor input?
  v = (int16_t)(pow((double)v / (double)(LIGHT_MAX - LIGHT_MIN),
                    LIGHT_CURVE) * (double)(LIGHT_MAX - LIGHT_MIN));
  // And scale to iris range (IRIS_MAX is size at LIGHT_MIN)
  v = map(v, 0, (LIGHT_MAX - LIGHT_MIN), IRIS_MAX, IRIS_MIN);
#ifdef IRIS_SMOOTH // Filter input (gradual motion)
  static int16_t irisValue = (IRIS_MIN + IRIS_MAX) / 2;
  irisValue = ((irisValue * 15) + v) / 16;
#else // Unfiltered (immediate motion)
#endif // IRIS_SMOOTH

#else  // Autonomous iris scaling -- invoke recursive function

  newIris = random(IRIS_MIN, IRIS_MAX);
  split(oldIris, newIris, micros(), 10000000L, IRIS_MAX - IRIS_MIN);
  oldIris = newIris;

#endif // LIGHT_PIN

// EYE-RENDERING FUNCTION --------------------------------------------------
void drawEye( // Renders one eye.  Inputs must be pre-clipped & valid.
  // Use native 32 bit variables where possible as this is 10% faster!
  uint8_t  e,       // Eye array index; 0 or 1 for left/right
  uint32_t iScale,  // Scale factor for iris
  uint32_t  scleraX, // First pixel X offset into sclera image
  uint32_t  scleraY, // First pixel Y offset into sclera image
  uint32_t  uT,      // Upper eyelid threshold value
  uint32_t  lT) {    // Lower eyelid threshold value

  uint32_t  screenX, screenY, scleraXsave;
  int32_t  irisX, irisY;
  uint32_t p, a;
  uint32_t d;

  uint32_t pixels = 0;

  // Set up raw pixel dump to entire screen.  Although such writes can wrap
  // around automatically from end of rect back to beginning, the region is
  // reset on each frame here in case of an SPI glitch.
  digitalWrite(eye[e].tft_cs, LOW);
  tft.setAddrWindow(eye[e].xposition, 0, 240, 240);

  // Now just issue raw 16-bit values for every pixel...

  scleraXsave = scleraX; // Save initial X value to reset on each line
  irisY       = scleraY - (SCLERA_HEIGHT - IRIS_HEIGHT) / 2;

  // Eyelid image is left<>right swapped for two displays
  uint16_t lidX = 0;
  uint16_t dlidX = -1;
  if (e) dlidX = 1;
  for (screenY = 0; screenY < SCREEN_HEIGHT; screenY++, scleraY++, irisY++) {
    scleraX = scleraXsave;
    irisX   = scleraXsave - (SCLERA_WIDTH - IRIS_WIDTH) / 2;
    if (e) lidX = 0; else lidX = SCREEN_WIDTH - 1;
    for (screenX = 0; screenX < SCREEN_WIDTH; screenX++, scleraX++, irisX++, lidX += dlidX) {
      if ((pgm_read_byte(lower + screenY * SCREEN_WIDTH + lidX) <= lT) ||
          (pgm_read_byte(upper + screenY * SCREEN_WIDTH + lidX) <= uT)) {              // Covered by eyelid
        p = 0;
      } else if ((irisY < 0) || (irisY >= IRIS_HEIGHT) ||
                 (irisX < 0) || (irisX >= IRIS_WIDTH)) { // In sclera
        p = pgm_read_word(sclera + scleraY * SCLERA_WIDTH + scleraX);
      } else {                                          // Maybe iris...
        p = pgm_read_word(polar + irisY * IRIS_WIDTH + irisX);                        // Polar angle/dist
        d = (iScale * (p & 0x7F)) / 128;                // Distance (Y)
        if (d < IRIS_MAP_HEIGHT) {                      // Within iris area
          a = (IRIS_MAP_WIDTH * (p >> 7)) / 512;        // Angle (X)
          p = pgm_read_word(iris + d * IRIS_MAP_WIDTH + a);                           // Pixel = iris
        } else {                                        // Not in iris
          p = pgm_read_word(sclera + scleraY * SCLERA_WIDTH + scleraX);               // Pixel = sclera
      *(&pbuffer[dmaBuf][0] + pixels++) = p >> 8 | p << 8;

      if (pixels >= BUFFER_SIZE) {
#ifdef USE_DMA
        tft.pushPixelsDMA(&pbuffer[dmaBuf][0], pixels);
        dmaBuf  = !dmaBuf;
        tft.pushPixels(pbuffer, pixels);
        pixels = 0;

  if (pixels) {
#ifdef USE_DMA
    tft.pushPixelsDMA(&pbuffer[dmaBuf][0], pixels);
    tft.pushPixels(pbuffer, pixels);
  digitalWrite(eye[e].tft_cs, HIGH);

// EYE ANIMATION -----------------------------------------------------------

const uint8_t ease[] = { // Ease in/out curve for eye movements 3*t^2-2*t^3
  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  2,  2,  2,  3,   // T
  3,  3,  4,  4,  4,  5,  5,  6,  6,  7,  7,  8,  9,  9, 10, 10,   // h
  11, 12, 12, 13, 14, 15, 15, 16, 17, 18, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23,   // x
  24, 25, 26, 27, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39,   // 2
  40, 41, 42, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 56, 57, 58,   // A
  60, 61, 62, 63, 65, 66, 67, 69, 70, 72, 73, 74, 76, 77, 78, 80,   // l
  81, 83, 84, 85, 87, 88, 90, 91, 93, 94, 96, 97, 98, 100, 101, 103, // e
  104, 106, 107, 109, 110, 112, 113, 115, 116, 118, 119, 121, 122, 124, 125, 127, // c
  128, 130, 131, 133, 134, 136, 137, 139, 140, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 151, // J
  152, 154, 155, 157, 158, 159, 161, 162, 164, 165, 167, 168, 170, 171, 172, 174, // a
  175, 177, 178, 179, 181, 182, 183, 185, 186, 188, 189, 190, 192, 193, 194, 195, // c
  197, 198, 199, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 213, 214, 215, // o
  216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 228, 229, 230, 231, // b
  232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 237, 238, 239, 240, 240, 241, 242, 243, 243, 244, // s
  245, 245, 246, 246, 247, 248, 248, 249, 249, 250, 250, 251, 251, 251, 252, 252, // o
  252, 253, 253, 253, 254, 254, 254, 254, 254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255
}; // n

uint32_t timeOfLastBlink = 0L, timeToNextBlink = 0L;

// Process motion for a single frame of left or right eye
void frame(uint16_t iScale) // Iris scale (0-1023)
  static uint32_t frames   = 0; // Used in frame rate calculation
  static uint8_t  eyeIndex = 0; // eye[] array counter
  int16_t         eyeX, eyeY;
  uint32_t        t = micros(); // Time at start of function

  if (!(++frames & 255)) { // Every 256 frames...
    float elapsed = (millis() - startTime) / 1000.0;
    if (elapsed) {
      Serial.println((uint16_t)(frames / elapsed));

  if (++eyeIndex >= NUM_EYES) eyeIndex = 0; // Cycle through eyes, 1 per call

  // X/Y movement

#if defined(JOYSTICK_X_PIN) && (JOYSTICK_X_PIN >= 0) && \
    defined(JOYSTICK_Y_PIN) && (JOYSTICK_Y_PIN >= 0)

  // Read X/Y from joystick, constrain to circle
  int16_t dx, dy;
  int32_t d;
  eyeX = analogRead(JOYSTICK_X_PIN); // Raw (unclipped) X/Y reading
  eyeY = analogRead(JOYSTICK_Y_PIN);
  eyeX = 1023 - eyeX;
  eyeY = 1023 - eyeY;
  dx = (eyeX * 2) - 1023; // A/D exact center is at 511.5.  Scale coords
  dy = (eyeY * 2) - 1023; // X2 so range is -1023 to +1023 w/center at 0.
  if ((d = (dx * dx + dy * dy)) > (1023 * 1023)) { // Outside circle
    d    = (int32_t)sqrt((float)d);               // Distance from center
    eyeX = ((dx * 1023 / d) + 1023) / 2;          // Clip to circle edge,
    eyeY = ((dy * 1023 / d) + 1023) / 2;          // scale back to 0-1023

#else // Autonomous X/Y eye motion
  // Periodically initiates motion to a new random point, random speed,
  // holds there for random period until next motion.

  static bool  eyeInMotion      = false;
  static int16_t  eyeOldX = 512, eyeOldY = 512, eyeNewX = 512, eyeNewY = 512;
  static uint32_t eyeMoveStartTime = 0L;
  static int32_t  eyeMoveDuration  = 0L;

  int32_t dt = t - eyeMoveStartTime;      // uS elapsed since last eye event
  if (eyeInMotion) {                      // Currently moving?
    if (dt >= eyeMoveDuration) {          // Time up?  Destination reached.
      eyeInMotion      = false;           // Stop moving
      eyeMoveDuration  = random(3000000); // 0-3 sec stop
      eyeMoveStartTime = t;               // Save initial time of stop
      eyeX = eyeOldX = eyeNewX;           // Save position
      eyeY = eyeOldY = eyeNewY;
    } else { // Move time's not yet fully elapsed -- interpolate position
      int16_t e = ease[255 * dt / eyeMoveDuration] + 1;   // Ease curve
      eyeX = eyeOldX + (((eyeNewX - eyeOldX) * e) / 256); // Interp X
      eyeY = eyeOldY + (((eyeNewY - eyeOldY) * e) / 256); // and Y
  } else {                                // Eye stopped
    eyeX = eyeOldX;
    eyeY = eyeOldY;
    if (dt > eyeMoveDuration) {           // Time up?  Begin new move.
      int16_t  dx, dy;
      uint32_t d;
      do {                                // Pick new dest in circle
        eyeNewX = random(1024);
        eyeNewY = random(1024);
        dx      = (eyeNewX * 2) - 1023;
        dy      = (eyeNewY * 2) - 1023;
      } while ((d = (dx * dx + dy * dy)) > (1023 * 1023)); // Keep trying
      eyeMoveDuration  = random(72000, 144000); // ~1/14 - ~1/7 sec
      eyeMoveStartTime = t;               // Save initial time of move
      eyeInMotion      = true;            // Start move on next frame
#endif // JOYSTICK_X_PIN etc.

  // Blinking
  // Similar to the autonomous eye movement above -- blink start times
  // and durations are random (within ranges).
  if ((t - timeOfLastBlink) >= timeToNextBlink) { // Start new blink?
    timeOfLastBlink = t;
    uint32_t blinkDuration = random(36000, 72000); // ~1/28 - ~1/14 sec
    // Set up durations for both eyes (if not already winking)
    for (uint8_t e = 0; e < NUM_EYES; e++) {
      if (eye[e].blink.state == NOBLINK) {
        eye[e].blink.state     = ENBLINK;
        eye[e].blink.startTime = t;
        eye[e].blink.duration  = blinkDuration;
    timeToNextBlink = blinkDuration * 3 + random(4000000);

  if (eye[eyeIndex].blink.state) { // Eye currently blinking?
    // Check if current blink state time has elapsed
    if ((t - eye[eyeIndex].blink.startTime) >= eye[eyeIndex].blink.duration) {
      // Yes -- increment blink state, unless...
      if ((eye[eyeIndex].blink.state == ENBLINK) && ( // Enblinking and...
#if defined(BLINK_PIN) && (BLINK_PIN >= 0)
            (digitalRead(BLINK_PIN) == LOW) ||           // blink or wink held...
            ((eyeInfo[eyeIndex].wink >= 0) &&
             digitalRead(eyeInfo[eyeIndex].wink) == LOW) )) {
        // Don't advance state yet -- eye is held closed instead
      } else { // No buttons, or other state...
        if (++eye[eyeIndex].blink.state > DEBLINK) { // Deblinking finished?
          eye[eyeIndex].blink.state = NOBLINK;      // No longer blinking
        } else { // Advancing from ENBLINK to DEBLINK mode
          eye[eyeIndex].blink.duration *= 2; // DEBLINK is 1/2 ENBLINK speed
          eye[eyeIndex].blink.startTime = t;
  } else { // Not currently blinking...check buttons!
#if defined(BLINK_PIN) && (BLINK_PIN >= 0)
    if (digitalRead(BLINK_PIN) == LOW) {
      // Manually-initiated blinks have random durations like auto-blink
      uint32_t blinkDuration = random(36000, 72000);
      for (uint8_t e = 0; e < NUM_EYES; e++) {
        if (eye[e].blink.state == NOBLINK) {
          eye[e].blink.state     = ENBLINK;
          eye[e].blink.startTime = t;
          eye[e].blink.duration  = blinkDuration;
    } else
      if ((eyeInfo[eyeIndex].wink >= 0) &&
          (digitalRead(eyeInfo[eyeIndex].wink) == LOW)) { // Wink!
        eye[eyeIndex].blink.state     = ENBLINK;
        eye[eyeIndex].blink.startTime = t;
        eye[eyeIndex].blink.duration  = random(45000, 90000);

  // Process motion, blinking and iris scale into renderable values

  // Scale eye X/Y positions (0-1023) to pixel units used by drawEye()
  eyeX = map(eyeX, 0, 1023, 0, SCLERA_WIDTH  - 240);
  eyeY = map(eyeY, 0, 1023, 0, SCLERA_HEIGHT - 240);

  // Horizontal position is offset so that eyes are very slightly crossed
  // to appear fixated (converged) at a conversational distance.  Number
  // here was extracted from my posterior and not mathematically based.
  // I suppose one could get all clever with a range sensor, but for now...
  if (NUM_EYES > 1) {
    if (eyeIndex == 1) eyeX += 4;
    else eyeX -= 4;
  if (eyeX > (SCLERA_WIDTH - 240)) eyeX = (SCLERA_WIDTH - 240);

  // Eyelids are rendered using a brightness threshold image.  This same
  // map can be used to simplify another problem: making the upper eyelid
  // track the pupil (eyes tend to open only as much as needed -- e.g. look
  // down and the upper eyelid drops).  Just sample a point in the upper
  // lid map slightly above the pupil to determine the rendering threshold.
  static uint8_t uThreshold = 128;
  uint8_t        lThreshold, n;
  int16_t sampleX = SCLERA_WIDTH  / 2 - (eyeX / 2), // Reduce X influence
          sampleY = SCLERA_HEIGHT / 2 - (eyeY + IRIS_HEIGHT / 4);
  // Eyelid is slightly asymmetrical, so two readings are taken, averaged
  if (sampleY < 0) n = 0;
  else            n = (pgm_read_byte(upper + sampleY * SCREEN_WIDTH + sampleX) +
                         pgm_read_byte(upper + sampleY * SCREEN_WIDTH + (SCREEN_WIDTH - 1 - sampleX))) / 2;
  uThreshold = (uThreshold * 3 + n) / 4; // Filter/soften motion
  // Lower eyelid doesn't track the same way, but seems to be pulled upward
  // by tension from the upper lid.
  lThreshold = 254 - uThreshold;
#else // No tracking -- eyelids full open unless blink modifies them
  uThreshold = lThreshold = 0;

  // The upper/lower thresholds are then scaled relative to the current
  // blink position so that blinks work together with pupil tracking.
  if (eye[eyeIndex].blink.state) { // Eye currently blinking?
    uint32_t s = (t - eye[eyeIndex].blink.startTime);
    if (s >= eye[eyeIndex].blink.duration) s = 255;  // At or past blink end
    else s = 255 * s / eye[eyeIndex].blink.duration; // Mid-blink
    s          = (eye[eyeIndex].blink.state == DEBLINK) ? 1 + s : 256 - s;
    n          = (uThreshold * s + 254 * (257 - s)) / 256;
    lThreshold = (lThreshold * s + 254 * (257 - s)) / 256;
  } else {
    n          = uThreshold;

  // Pass all the derived values to the eye-rendering function:
  drawEye(eyeIndex, iScale, eyeX, eyeY, n, lThreshold);

  if (eyeIndex == (NUM_EYES - 1)) {
    user_loop(); // Call user code after rendering last eye

// AUTONOMOUS IRIS SCALING (if no photocell or dial) -----------------------

#if !defined(LIGHT_PIN) || (LIGHT_PIN < 0)

// Autonomous iris motion uses a fractal behavior to similate both the major
// reaction of the eye plus the continuous smaller adjustments that occur.

void split( // Subdivides motion path into two sub-paths w/randimization
  int16_t  startValue, // Iris scale value (IRIS_MIN to IRIS_MAX) at start
  int16_t  endValue,   // Iris scale value at end
  uint32_t startTime,  // micros() at start
  int32_t  duration,   // Start-to-end time, in microseconds
  int16_t  range) {    // Allowable scale value variance when subdividing

  if (range >= 8) {    // Limit subdvision count, because recursion
    range    /= 2;     // Split range & time in half for subdivision,
    duration /= 2;     // then pick random center point within range:
    int16_t  midValue = (startValue + endValue - range) / 2 + random(range);
    uint32_t midTime  = startTime + duration;
    split(startValue, midValue, startTime, duration, range); // First half
    split(midValue  , endValue, midTime  , duration, range); // Second half
  } else {             // No more subdivisons, do iris motion...
    int32_t dt;        // Time (micros) since start of motion
    int16_t v;         // Interim value
    while ((dt = (micros() - startTime)) < duration) {
      v = startValue + (((endValue - startValue) * dt) / duration);
      if (v < IRIS_MIN)      v = IRIS_MIN; // Clip just in case
      else if (v > IRIS_MAX) v = IRIS_MAX;
      frame(v);        // Draw frame w/interim iris scale value
#endif // !LIGHT_PIN

Show your code using < CODE > tag button, show a wiring diagram and show a picture of your project.

You should define which "eye" is LEFT and which is RIGHT.

Verify these pins

              TFT1    TFT2
| 22        | CS    |       |
| 21        |       | CS    |
1 Like

You should post your schematic to be read in this forum.

Also... what is the filename of the code you posted? It is not the sketch.

Verify your wiring (pull and push the connecting wires). This solves many problems by making connections better (or worse).

I already posted a link to the schematic like requested. The file name is "uncanny-eyes-skull" like on the instructables tutorial.
I am new with arduino programming and I appreciated the help

People on this forum do not like going off site to get code or read documents, there is too much risk in doing that.

You might want to look at this How to get the best out of this forum before you proceed any further.
We only know what you tell us, and without knowing what you have, we don't stand a chance.

Those are the rules round these there parts partner.


tank you very much for the information, I updated my post

1 Like

Thank you.

That picture is not actually a schematic it is a physical layout diagram, and as such is hard to read, but it is just on the limit of being useful where I can translate this into a schematic in my head.

Thanks, that was not the impression I got from the words you were using to describe the fault. What I see is the right eye flickering. This looks to me like one of the signal wires to the right eye is floating. That means it is not making a connection to where it should be. This is quite common when you are using solderless bread board, what you think is a connection actually not connected at all.

I have seen quite a few people at exhibitions gently rocking wires on a filled solderless bread board trying to get a circuit to work. Most had to go home and not show the thing they had made, which is a pity.

Can you post a picture of your actual circuit.

Also note that an ESP processor does not produce a 5V signal but a 3V3 signal. So technically it is outside the limits for driving a 5V device. Sadly, in practice, the tolerance is wide, leading many people, like your instructables writer to think the design is good, when it is not.

On this forum instructables have a very poor reputation, as about 95% of projects have mistakes in them like this one.

If you swap the two CS wires over, does the problem stay with the right eye or does it move to the left eye?

yes, it move to the other eye

Here a picture of my actual circuit. The strange thing is that I was able the have it working on the bread board, so I installed it in my project (see picture) was still working. So I want to load another eye design by removing the // in the source code, this was no succes, so I place the code back and the eye is flashing again !!!

  1. Write down the CS pin that IS working now.
  2. Try a new jumper wire on the good CS/OLED. (verify a good jumper wire)
  3. Use that new jumper wire for the bad CS/OLED. If it is still bad, the error is toward the board (not the wire of the OLED).

replaced the orange cable that was connected to the bad eye, same issue.
when swapping both orange cables the problem goes to the other eye.
when I change "#define NUM_EYES 2" to "#define NUM_EYES 1" in the config.h, both eyes are ok accept that the are both right eyes.
seems more a code issue?

Your "swapping" might not be my "swapping"... and your methods are not my methods, so I will try to show you how I would resolve "good" from "bad" parts (including software)...

Draw the logic... (similarities to three-input AND gate)...

+----------+                +-----------+
| good pin |---good cable---|good screen|  GOOD!
+----------+                +-----------+

+----------+                +-----------+
|  bad pin |---good cable---|good screen|  bad result
+----------+                +-----------+

+----------+                +-----------+
| good pin |--- bad cable---|good screen|  bad result
+----------+                +-----------+

+----------+                +-----------+
| good pin |---good cable---| bad screen|  bad result
+----------+                +-----------+

If you have these two paths, one good, one unknown:

+----------+                +-----------+
| good pin |---good cable---|good screen|  good result
+----------+                +-----------+

+----------+                +-----------+
|    ? pin |---   ? cable---|   ? screen|  bad result
+----------+                +-----------+

... and change the good cable to the unknown screen...

+----------+                +-----------+
| good pin |---good cable-+ |good screen|     ? result
+----------+              | +-----------+
+----------+              | +-----------+
|    ? pin |---   ? cable +-|   ? screen|  good result = good screen
+----------+                +-----------+

... and you have a good result, then your screen is good.

If you move the good cable to the unknown screen and have a bad result, the screen is bad.

+----------+                +-----------+
| good pin |---good cable-+ |good screen|     ? result
+----------+              | +-----------+
+----------+              | +-----------+
|    ? pin |---   ? cable +-|   ? screen|  bad result = bad screen
+----------+                +-----------+

Do this one-part-at-a-time method, and you will find the answer.

Okay. I assume you have checked everything.

I made a second setup with the same new components, same issue, one eye flashing.
So new components and cables and breadboard.

Something in the library, maybe the IIC address used to create the object?