
snow yesterday, and today, 45F temps, and a lot of melting.
really helps to get at the firewood that had frozen in solid. :smiley:


I remember living in Michigan, we thought it was warm when it got into the 40s in February. In Arizona we think 40s are freezing.

-40F ... or -40C?


Almost 60F a week ago here in Michigan. And I'm expecting around 57F tomorrow. Time to dig out my summer wear (shorts, tank tops, sandals) and enjoy the weather tomorrow.

I’m ready for spring! It was 72 yesterday, which was perfect

Some steppers have e breaks as well, switching drive systems doesn’t sound trivial to me.... especially when you already have the steppers.

-40F ... or -40C?


This is one of those rare and happy occasions when you can answer an either-or question with "yes" and not be a complete smartass :slight_smile:

Travis, I dig the new avatar!

it reminds me, i need to get myself a new avatar.... is it from someth8jg or just a skull?

A weird result of the cold weather here.
It's currently -5C and snowing lightly with a covering of about 2".
I was given some used HDDs. I drove them home in temperatures below zero C.
When I got home I plugged them in and it took several seconds for them to get up to speed due, I suspect, to the cold bearings. They wouldn't even initialise.
I left them for 24hrs at room temperature and they then initialised and formatted nicely.

A weird result of the cold weather here.
It's currently -5C and snowing lightly with a covering of about 2".
I was given some used HDDs. I drove them home in temperatures below zero C.
When I got home I plugged them in and it took several seconds for them to get up to speed due, I suspect, to the cold bearings. They wouldn't even initialise.
I left them for 24hrs at room temperature and they then initialised and formatted nicely.

that reminds me of some unreadable (floppy) disks that became rescue-able after a night in the freezer.

-40F ... or -40C?



no heat-wave today. just freezing rain.
no work this week, but we have possible work lined up for the future. so no pay to speak of, though i was very grateful for another loan to keep my bills at bay. i guess i know where my tax return is going...

only chance to get my camper finished, will be if somebody buys my old Goldwing 1500 motorcycle. not sure what i will do with the front of the camper, if not the internet radio station. maybe i will setup a small HO model train layout. no idea at this point. if i get my HAM license, i would set that up out there, but i am not really holding my breath on that.


I get the south edge of the weather stream headed your way. It's getting colder especially at night. It was chap-face at 10 this AM, 40F by 3PM where days ago it hit 78F by 3PM. I got the edge, you will get the deep channel. Get wood inside while you can!

Be a late winter like last year?

Did you bank anything against the side of the house?

After a few unseasonably warm days over the weekend, we had some snow then they melted quickly and I am looking at normal weekend of about 40'F.

Incidentally any lawyers here? The forecast predicted 3-5 inches of snow at my house, I got less than 1 inch instead. Can I sue the forecaster for giving me false hope of making snowman one more time?

Can you pay attention to the words the forecaster uses? Was "chance of" perhaps in there somewhere?

I was just kidding about suing them, weather forecast were often inaccurate as far as Michigan is concerned. The only way it'd be accurate is if they predicted every day as between -20F and 110F, maybe sunny, maybe cloudy, maybe rain, maybe snow, and maybe windy.

Today more snow. Predicted 3-5 inches here. Actual: about 1/4 inch.

I was just kidding about suing them, weather forecast were often inaccurate as far as Michigan is concerned. The only way it'd be accurate is if they predicted every day as between -20F and 110F, maybe sunny, maybe cloudy, maybe rain, maybe snow, and maybe windy.

Here in AZ, they just say "sunny & hot" everyday. Once in a great while they are wrong, but we crave that so much that we forgive them.

One day I went to work starting out dry and sunny then crossed a line of rain. The edge went through town so half the town had rain and half did not. Damned either way I guess.

How’s the almost two feet of snow feeling, travis?

In the past, that ground wouldn't thaw till Easter. But there IS no global warming of course. It's all local.