Freaking cold!

LarryD sending that cold air down from Canada again, -10F/-23C here in the Boston area! Warmed up from -12F earlier.

If my thermometer showed that low, I'd say it was stuffed, go buy new thermometer.
Also it would be reading in almost proper units of temperature not F. ......

Tom..... :slight_smile:

So Kelvin degrees then ? 8)

You cannot blame me this time.
We have had a month of plus temperatures with much more to come.

So Kelvin degrees then ? 8)

Tut-tut. It's just "Kelvin", never "degrees Kelvin" 8)

65 F in Texas today. It won't be so cold later in the week, expect mid 70s by Wednesday.

Deg C almost proper, K is proper.


Tom..... :slight_smile:

65 F in Texas today. It won't be so cold later in the week, expect mid 70s by Wednesday.

Never had -65'F but we have had -41'C

We get all are weather from Alaska.
You know, Sarah Palin's home, she can see Canada from her front yard.


So that's got to be some mighty fence you've got there and which is thoroughly checked at least twice a day.

Won't keep the cold out though.

Yep, it's damned cold where I'm at, 60F and getting down to 55 in the morning. I'm in Florida and this cold is killing me.

lol lol lol lol

A few winters back:

We were in Florida for a month once in February, couple days at Disneyworld before heading to the Bahamas for 2 weeks. Weatherman was advising to bring in plants and small animals because it was going down to ... 40F!
We just laughed & laughed, having had to dig the plane out the snow a couple days before to fly down there.

I will trade some of your cold for some of our hot. Perth, West Australia has just had 4 days above 40C.


Hmm so all pretty warm in here then...

Oh well at least I ain't where I was last year up in the air in a man basket changing rollers on a frozen conveyor at minus 48 C with a wind chill from a 20 mph wind on top of that.

And only been down to -42 at home so far this year (add wind chill to that too)
That reminds me I gotta put another IOT sensor on the north side...

LarryD sending that cold air down from Canada again, -10F/-23C here in the Boston area!

You're really not going to like it when the cold fronts end, it's going to get sick-hot.