help by code

Hi Guys
I need help with programming code, i have PIR Sensor, LDR sensor and piezo alarm siren.
When the sensor detects motion and is enough light(day) to turn ON only the siren, when is less light(night) I wuld like do turn ON blinking Led and siren. This part i have and work okay but i don't know haw to do when alarm is triggered 10 times to stop or poused for 10min.
My code:
int sensor_1 = 2;// pir sensora pin 2
int led = 6; // led pin 6
int alarm = 7;
int counter = 0;
int sensor_2 = A0; // select the input pin for ldr
int sensorVal = 0; // variable to store the value coming from the sensor
void setup()

  • pinMode (sensor_1,INPUT);//sensor_1 (PIR SENSOR)*

  • pinMode (led, OUTPUT);//led*

  • pinMode (alarm, OUTPUT);//alarm*

  • Serial.begin(9600); //sets serial port for communication*
    void loop ()

  • digitalWrite(alarm, LOW);*

  • digitalWrite (led,LOW);*

  • delay(500);*

  • sensorVal = analogRead(sensor_2);// read the value from the sensor:*

  • Serial.println(sensorVal); //prints the values coming from the sensor on the screen*

  • int motion = digitalRead(sensor_1);*

  • if ((motion == HIGH)&&(counter <= 1)&&(sensorVal <= 900)){*

  • for(int i = 0; i <= 15; i++){*

  • digitalWrite(alarm, HIGH);*

  • digitalWrite(led, HIGH);*

  • delay(300);*

  • digitalWrite(led, LOW);*

  • delay(300);*

  • counter++;*

  • }*

  • }*

  • if((motion == HIGH)&&(sensorVal > 900)){*

  • digitalWrite(alarm, HIGH);*

  • delay(2000);*

  • }*

  • if(motion == LOW){*

  • digitalWrite(alarm, LOW);*

  • digitalWrite(led, LOW);*

  • counter = 0;*

  • delay(100);*

  • }*