Help can't run to DC motors with Arduino Uno and Motor shield

Hi Guys

When I connect my DC motor on its own it works fine i.e. the motor will stop and start fine , but when i connect my second DC motor to M2 neither of them run???

Can anyone shed some light to this , is it possible to run two DC motors of one motor shield. I am a newbie so might have jump in the deep end here

kind regards

It should be possible to run both if you have sufficient motor power. How much current do the motors draw and how are you supplying motor voltage to the motor shield?

You might also need to specify which motor shied you have.

Hi Johnwasser

Thanks for replying , very much appreciate this .

I have 6 x 1.5 volts batters as shown in the link below , this power is external and is connected directly to the Motorshield board ,

with regards to how much current to the motor draw , " I'm guessing here as I brought this kit from the robotic site it came with the batter pack which is 6 batters each one is AA size which is 1.5 volts when you connect the batters directly to the motor it runs fast ,

sorry to be basic thats because I am still learning basic electronics

the motor shield that I am using is L293D

I have added some photo's and a short video clip please do check it out you might be able to spot something that , I have miss out

here is that link

thanks for your support.

Just a idea does anyone know a good site that can provide step by step instruction on how to connect two DC motors with Arduino and Motor Shield

The vendor of the Motor Shield should have provided instructions. Where did you buy it?

Hi Johnwasser

Thanks for replying , very much appreciate this .

I have 6 x 1.5 volts batters as shown in the link below , this power is external and is connected directly to the Motorshield board ,

with regards to how much current to the motor draw , " I'm guessing here as I brought this kit from the robotic site it came with the batter pack which is 6 batters each one is AA size which is 1.5 volts when you connect the batters directly to the motor it runs fast ,

sorry to be basic thats because I am still learning basic electronics

the motor shield that I am using is L293D

I have added some photo's and a short video clip please do check it out you might be able to spot something that , I have miss out

here is that link Google Workspace Updates: New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents

thanks for your support.

It looks like a knockoff (?) of this shield:

Looking at your photos, and at this page (Arduino motor/stepper/servo control - How to use), it looks like you have things set up correctly, when you are using the external power supply connected to the Arduino; without that power supply, the motor shield won't work in that configuration (JP1 closed and nothing connected to EXT_PWR). You might do well to reading all the resources and such at the above link (you might also do well to read the L293/SN754410 datasheets).

With that, I would have to ask:

  1. What is the ratings of your motors (current needs, voltage needs, etc)?
  2. What is the rating of your external power supply (current supplied, voltage)?