HELP ! PHENIXTAG Laser Rangefinder

Please I need idea for this laser rangefinder to work found on ebay..
I need atleast library or related sample program.. thanks!

According to ebay link, it's just a matter of serial communication. Connect RX/TX to arduino, setup a SoftwareSerial and write those commands (letters)

How about transferring it to the arduino micro? Any idea about the code?

I think I found a useful link but i didn't understand well..


That code is in python, you need to translate it to C (arduino). Something like this:

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial mySerial(10, 11); // your arduino RX, TX pins
String str= "";

void setup()
  // Open serial communications to write to screen:
  Serial.println("Starting program:");

  // set the data rate for the SoftwareSerial port

void loop() // run over and over
  Serial.print("Taking measures... ");

  if(mySerial.available() > 0)
        str = mySerial.readStringUntil('\n');

I'm curious about this sensor, let me know if is working and reliable

I try your code but nothing happen..

Output image attach below..

Please help me.. I don't know anything about phython..

Serial Monitor.jpg

I made a mistake on my code, you have to send the letter "D" not "C"
So, replace mySerial.println("C") for mySerial.println("D")

Note that this code is just to guide you, not a perfect receipe...
To work with that module (according with ebay link) you send a command by serial comm and wait for the response. If you are not getting any answer, You can try several things:

  1. swap RX / TX wires
  2. replace mySerial.println("D") for mySerial.print("D\r\n");
  3. put a delay (50) after mySerial.println("D")

Also note that arduino operates normaly on 5V, that module operates at 2,9V. You will need a level shifter or resistor in the arduino TX wire or you could damage the sensor.

According with ebay link, there's a USB adapter and a software to test the unit, did you tried it first?

Did you made it work? I'm curious about this module...

It's working, I follow your instruction, but the measurement is still random code ( i don't know that language like ??///#&blablablaa. I'll try to fix it. But thanks , because from this instruction I can operate this Laser Rangefinder Module, B605B, RS232, 100M distance measurement. . Maybe you can help me?

That code is in python, you need to translate it to C (arduino). Something like this:

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

SoftwareSerial mySerial(10, 11); // your arduino RX, TX pins
String str= "";

void setup()
  // Open serial communications to write to screen:
  Serial.println("Starting program:");

// set the data rate for the SoftwareSerial port

void loop() // run over and over
  Serial.print("Taking measures... ");

if(mySerial.available() > 0)
        str = mySerial.readStringUntil('\n');

I'm curious about this sensor, let me know if is working and reliable

It's working, I follow your instruction, but the measurement is still random code ( i don't know that language like ??///#&blablablaa. I'll try to fix it. But thanks , because from this instruction I can operate this Laser Rangefinder Module, B605B, RS232, 100M distance measurement. . Maybe you can help me?

Did you manage to make it work? Can you post the output?

Hunting is my favorite hobby and I do it whenever I have the free time. I really hope I can teach my son how to do it one day and I hope that he will love it. I just hope that he doesn't become one of the animal rights protection people or a vegan. I hunt because I want the best quality meat for my family. I wasn't always a good hunter because I didn't know that If you use rangefinders it is much easier. I decided to get a laser rangefinder online and they recommended an HD scope to me and I got both of them. My hunting improved a lot with the right equipment and that ATN rangefinder and scope are amazing.

Unfortunately the OP asked for help but never help others with his experience... >:(

That module works using serial communication, you send a text command and wait for the response.

The module came with a USB adapter and some software, so try it first to see if it works.
I don't have any module or know the software, but it seems that you have to send a "D" char and wait for module response.

Please share your progress, i would like to know if this sensor is good or not.