HELP PLEASE - Arduino Nano // DS18B20 // PWM Fan Controller

So I recently built one of these and its works really well, I made a PCB to clean everything up and its awesome. I went to build a second one for another project, and I'm having issues. I'm using the same code and everything. Thinking maybe the PCB had a short, I went to a bread board, and still having the same issues. The issue is almost as though there is a short, the Arduino will plot to the serial monitor until I plug the sensor in, at that point the Arduino just disconnects, no errors or anything. When I disconnect the sensor, its start plotting again, with a temp reading of -127.

I need some help troubleshooting this because I'm at a loss. I'm attaching the original project guidance, a photo of my current breadboard, and the code.

Followed this for Original Project Build: Fan_Temp_Control/image/WiringDiagram_bb.png at main · mariuste/Fan_Temp_Control · GitHub


// Fan_Temp_Control.ino ##############################################
/* This code was written to control the temperature inside a server cabinet
by measuring the temperature with a DS18b20 Temperature probe and
outputting a PWM signal with the Arduino Nano to control a 4-Pin fan.
Unlike the cheap control boards from Amazon or Ebay this code switches
the fan off when the temperature is low enough. */


The following constants should be changed according to the use case:

constant (default value) - description

tempLow (35) - Below this temperature (minus half hysteresis) the fan shuts off.
               It shuts on again at this temperature plus half hysteresis

tempHigh (50) - At and above this temperature the fan is at maximum speed

hyteresis (5) - Hysteresis to prevent frequent on/off switching at the threshold

minDuty (10) - Minimum fan speed to prevent stalling
maxDuty (100) - Maximum fan speed to limit noise


#include <OneWire.h>
#include <DallasTemperature.h>

// Digital pin of temperature sensor
#define ONE_WIRE_BUS 2

// Setup a oneWire instance
OneWire oneWire(ONE_WIRE_BUS);  

// Setup temperature sensor library
DallasTemperature sensors(&oneWire);

// PWM output pin
const byte OC1B_PIN = 10;

// Digital pin for controlliing optional high side switch
const byte HS_SWITCH = 9;

// how frequently the main loop runs
const int tempSetInterval = 5000;

// temperatur settings
const float tempLow = 25; // Temp in Celsius fan is at min duty
const float tempHigh = 65; // Temp in Celsius fan will hit max duty
const float hyteresis = 5;
const int minDuty = 1; //Min Fan Speed
const int maxDuty = 50; // Max Fan Speed - Adjust if too loud

// state on/off of Fan
bool fanState = HIGH;

// current duty cycle
byte duty = 100;

// new duty cycle
byte newDuty = 100;

void setup() {
	//enable output for Timer 1
	// configure High-Side Switch
	digitalWrite(HS_SWITCH, HIGH); // default: Fan on

	// start serial port 
	// Start up the temperature library 

	// welcome message
	Serial.println("## Start of Program ##");

	Serial.println("# Connections #");

	Serial.println(" Temperature Sensor (VCC, Data, GND)");
	Serial.print(  "            Arduino: 3V3, D");
	Serial.println("  , GND");
	Serial.println("            *additionally 4k7 pullup between VCC and Data");

	Serial.println(" 4-Pin Fan (GND, VCC, Sense, Control)");
	Serial.print(  "   Arduino: GND, 12V, n/C  , D");
	Serial.println(" Optional High-Side Switch");
	Serial.print(  "   Arduino: D");

	Serial.println("# Settings #");
	Serial.println(" Below this temperature (minus half hysteresis) the fan");
	Serial.println(" shuts off. It enables again at this temperature plus half hysteresis:");
	Serial.print("  tempLow: "); Serial.print(tempLow); Serial.println("°C");

	Serial.println(" At and above this temperature the fan is at maximum speed: ");
	Serial.print("  tempHigh: "); Serial.print(tempHigh); Serial.println("°C");
	Serial.println(" Between these two temperatures the fan is regulated from");
	Serial.println(" the minimum fan speed to maximum fan speed");
	Serial.println(" Hysteresis to prevent frequent on/off switching at the threshold");
	Serial.print("  hyteresis: "); Serial.print(hyteresis); Serial.println("°C");
	Serial.println(" Minimum fan speed to prevent stalling");
	Serial.print("  minDuty: "); Serial.print(minDuty); Serial.println(" %");

	Serial.println(" Maximum fan speed to limit noise");
	Serial.print("  maxDuty: "); Serial.print(maxDuty); Serial.println(" %");

	Serial.println(" The fan speed is adjusted at the following interval:");
	Serial.print("  tempSetInterval: "); Serial.print(tempSetInterval); Serial.println(" ms");

	Serial.println(); delay(100);
	Serial.println(); delay(100);
	Serial.println(); delay(100);
	Serial.println(); delay(100);
	Serial.println(); delay(100);
	Serial.println(); delay(100);
	Serial.println(); delay(100);

	Serial.println("# Main Loop");
	Serial.println("(temperature, state, Duty Cycle, Fan On/Off)");


// main loop ##############################################
void loop() {
	// measure temperature, calculate Duty cycle, set PWM
	// wait for a bit

// setting PWM ############################################
void setPwmDuty() {
	if (duty == 0) {
		fanState = LOW;
		// Disable high side switch
		digitalWrite(HS_SWITCH, LOW);
	} else if (duty > 0) {
		fanState = HIGH;
		// Enable high side switch
		digitalWrite(HS_SWITCH, HIGH);



// calculate new PWM ######################################
void tempToPwmDuty() {


	float temp = sensors.getTempCByIndex(0);

	Serial.print("°C, ");

	if (temp < tempLow) {
		// distinguish two cases to consider hyteresis
		if (fanState == HIGH) {
			if (temp < tempLow - (hyteresis / 2) ) {
				// fan is on, temp below threshold minus hysteresis -> switch off
				Serial.print("a, ");
				newDuty = 0;
			} else {
				// fan is on, temp not below threshold minus hysteresis -> keep minimum speed
				Serial.print("b, ");
				newDuty = minDuty;
		} else if (fanState == LOW) {
			// fan is off, temp below threshold -> keep off
			Serial.print("c, ");
			newDuty = 0;

	} else if (temp < tempHigh) {
		// distinguish two cases to consider hyteresis
		if (fanState == HIGH) {
			// fan is on, temp above threshold > control fan speed
			Serial.print("d, ");
			newDuty = map(temp, tempLow, tempHigh, minDuty, maxDuty);
		} else if (fanState == LOW) {
			if (temp > tempLow + (hyteresis / 2) ) {
				// fan is off, temp above threshold plus hysteresis -> switch on
				Serial.print("e, ");
				newDuty = minDuty;
			} else {
				// fan is on, temp not above threshold plus hysteresis -> keep off
				Serial.print("f, ");
				newDuty = 0;
	} else if (temp >= tempHigh) {
		// fan is on, temp above maximum temperature -> maximum speed
		Serial.print("g, ");
		newDuty = maxDuty;
	} else {
		// any other temperature -> maximum speed (this case should never occur)
		Serial.print("h, ");
		newDuty = maxDuty;

 	//set new duty
 	duty = newDuty;

  	Serial.print("%, ");

 	if (fanState==0) {Serial.println("OFF");} else {Serial.println("ON");}

// Setup Timer control
void setupTimer1(){
    //Set PWM frequency to about 25khz on pins 9,10 (timer 1 mode 10, no prescale, count to 320)
    TCCR1A = (1 << COM1A1) | (1 << COM1B1) | (1 << WGM11);
    TCCR1B = (1 << CS10) | (1 << WGM13);
    ICR1 = 320;
    OCR1A = 0;
    OCR1B = 0;
//equivalent of analogWrite on pin 10
void setFan(int fan){
	float f = fan;
	f = f / 100;
    OCR1B = (uint16_t)(320*f);

From what I can see your resistor is not connected to the sensor.

It is, it's just the perspective. I've checked this every which way to Sunday and can't figure it out.

Figured out the issue, had a whole batch of bad sensors, every one of them was shorted out. The joys of Amazon!

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