So I recently built one of these and its works really well, I made a PCB to clean everything up and its awesome. I went to build a second one for another project, and I'm having issues. I'm using the same code and everything. Thinking maybe the PCB had a short, I went to a bread board, and still having the same issues. The issue is almost as though there is a short, the Arduino will plot to the serial monitor until I plug the sensor in, at that point the Arduino just disconnects, no errors or anything. When I disconnect the sensor, its start plotting again, with a temp reading of -127.
I need some help troubleshooting this because I'm at a loss. I'm attaching the original project guidance, a photo of my current breadboard, and the code.
Followed this for Original Project Build: Fan_Temp_Control/image/WiringDiagram_bb.png at main · mariuste/Fan_Temp_Control · GitHub
// Fan_Temp_Control.ino ##############################################
/* This code was written to control the temperature inside a server cabinet
by measuring the temperature with a DS18b20 Temperature probe and
outputting a PWM signal with the Arduino Nano to control a 4-Pin fan.
Unlike the cheap control boards from Amazon or Ebay this code switches
the fan off when the temperature is low enough. */
The following constants should be changed according to the use case:
constant (default value) - description
tempLow (35) - Below this temperature (minus half hysteresis) the fan shuts off.
It shuts on again at this temperature plus half hysteresis
tempHigh (50) - At and above this temperature the fan is at maximum speed
hyteresis (5) - Hysteresis to prevent frequent on/off switching at the threshold
minDuty (10) - Minimum fan speed to prevent stalling
maxDuty (100) - Maximum fan speed to limit noise
#include <OneWire.h>
#include <DallasTemperature.h>
// Digital pin of temperature sensor
#define ONE_WIRE_BUS 2
// Setup a oneWire instance
OneWire oneWire(ONE_WIRE_BUS);
// Setup temperature sensor library
DallasTemperature sensors(&oneWire);
// PWM output pin
const byte OC1B_PIN = 10;
// Digital pin for controlliing optional high side switch
const byte HS_SWITCH = 9;
// how frequently the main loop runs
const int tempSetInterval = 5000;
// temperatur settings
const float tempLow = 25; // Temp in Celsius fan is at min duty
const float tempHigh = 65; // Temp in Celsius fan will hit max duty
const float hyteresis = 5;
const int minDuty = 1; //Min Fan Speed
const int maxDuty = 50; // Max Fan Speed - Adjust if too loud
// state on/off of Fan
bool fanState = HIGH;
// current duty cycle
byte duty = 100;
// new duty cycle
byte newDuty = 100;
void setup() {
//enable output for Timer 1
// configure High-Side Switch
digitalWrite(HS_SWITCH, HIGH); // default: Fan on
// start serial port
// Start up the temperature library
// welcome message
Serial.println("## Start of Program ##");
Serial.println("# Connections #");
Serial.println(" Temperature Sensor (VCC, Data, GND)");
Serial.print( " Arduino: 3V3, D");
Serial.println(" , GND");
Serial.println(" *additionally 4k7 pullup between VCC and Data");
Serial.println(" 4-Pin Fan (GND, VCC, Sense, Control)");
Serial.print( " Arduino: GND, 12V, n/C , D");
Serial.println(" Optional High-Side Switch");
Serial.print( " Arduino: D");
Serial.println("# Settings #");
Serial.println(" Below this temperature (minus half hysteresis) the fan");
Serial.println(" shuts off. It enables again at this temperature plus half hysteresis:");
Serial.print(" tempLow: "); Serial.print(tempLow); Serial.println("°C");
Serial.println(" At and above this temperature the fan is at maximum speed: ");
Serial.print(" tempHigh: "); Serial.print(tempHigh); Serial.println("°C");
Serial.println(" Between these two temperatures the fan is regulated from");
Serial.println(" the minimum fan speed to maximum fan speed");
Serial.println(" Hysteresis to prevent frequent on/off switching at the threshold");
Serial.print(" hyteresis: "); Serial.print(hyteresis); Serial.println("°C");
Serial.println(" Minimum fan speed to prevent stalling");
Serial.print(" minDuty: "); Serial.print(minDuty); Serial.println(" %");
Serial.println(" Maximum fan speed to limit noise");
Serial.print(" maxDuty: "); Serial.print(maxDuty); Serial.println(" %");
Serial.println(" The fan speed is adjusted at the following interval:");
Serial.print(" tempSetInterval: "); Serial.print(tempSetInterval); Serial.println(" ms");
Serial.println(); delay(100);
Serial.println(); delay(100);
Serial.println(); delay(100);
Serial.println(); delay(100);
Serial.println(); delay(100);
Serial.println(); delay(100);
Serial.println(); delay(100);
Serial.println("# Main Loop");
Serial.println("(temperature, state, Duty Cycle, Fan On/Off)");
// main loop ##############################################
void loop() {
// measure temperature, calculate Duty cycle, set PWM
// wait for a bit
// setting PWM ############################################
void setPwmDuty() {
if (duty == 0) {
fanState = LOW;
// Disable high side switch
digitalWrite(HS_SWITCH, LOW);
} else if (duty > 0) {
fanState = HIGH;
// Enable high side switch
digitalWrite(HS_SWITCH, HIGH);
// calculate new PWM ######################################
void tempToPwmDuty() {
float temp = sensors.getTempCByIndex(0);
Serial.print("°C, ");
if (temp < tempLow) {
// distinguish two cases to consider hyteresis
if (fanState == HIGH) {
if (temp < tempLow - (hyteresis / 2) ) {
// fan is on, temp below threshold minus hysteresis -> switch off
Serial.print("a, ");
newDuty = 0;
} else {
// fan is on, temp not below threshold minus hysteresis -> keep minimum speed
Serial.print("b, ");
newDuty = minDuty;
} else if (fanState == LOW) {
// fan is off, temp below threshold -> keep off
Serial.print("c, ");
newDuty = 0;
} else if (temp < tempHigh) {
// distinguish two cases to consider hyteresis
if (fanState == HIGH) {
// fan is on, temp above threshold > control fan speed
Serial.print("d, ");
newDuty = map(temp, tempLow, tempHigh, minDuty, maxDuty);
} else if (fanState == LOW) {
if (temp > tempLow + (hyteresis / 2) ) {
// fan is off, temp above threshold plus hysteresis -> switch on
Serial.print("e, ");
newDuty = minDuty;
} else {
// fan is on, temp not above threshold plus hysteresis -> keep off
Serial.print("f, ");
newDuty = 0;
} else if (temp >= tempHigh) {
// fan is on, temp above maximum temperature -> maximum speed
Serial.print("g, ");
newDuty = maxDuty;
} else {
// any other temperature -> maximum speed (this case should never occur)
Serial.print("h, ");
newDuty = maxDuty;
//set new duty
duty = newDuty;
Serial.print("%, ");
if (fanState==0) {Serial.println("OFF");} else {Serial.println("ON");}
// Setup Timer control
void setupTimer1(){
//Set PWM frequency to about 25khz on pins 9,10 (timer 1 mode 10, no prescale, count to 320)
TCCR1A = (1 << COM1A1) | (1 << COM1B1) | (1 << WGM11);
TCCR1B = (1 << CS10) | (1 << WGM13);
ICR1 = 320;
OCR1A = 0;
OCR1B = 0;
//equivalent of analogWrite on pin 10
void setFan(int fan){
float f = fan;
f = f / 100;
OCR1B = (uint16_t)(320*f);