Hello, I was using an IR receiver and wired it incorrectly and in those moments I was using the remote and pressing a lot to see if its just a button the problem and got carried away. When I wired it correctly the IR receiver still didn't take signals from the remote since the led I was trying to control didn't light up. The TX button blinked a few times every 10 or so seconds and I'll see hexadecimal codes on the serial monitor. I attempted to upload the blink sketch but all it said was upload completed and didn't work. Did I destroy the board? I just got it two days ago so please tell me I didn't.
Ok so I reuploaded the blink code and its fine when I put an led between GND and 13 but usually the 'L' light on the board flashes so what might be the problem?
The "L" LED is using the same ATmega328 pin as PIN 13 (also called LED_BUILTIN).
You must put a resistor (try 330 ohm) between your LED and the Arduino to limit current flow OUT of the Arduino.
Hello, the L light still isn’t working but that’s fine as long as the board works i’m ok. Do you know why my IR receiver doesn’t send to the serial monitor unless it is unplugged from GND and 5V? That’s literally the only time TX lights up and I see Hex on the serial monitor.
How did you test the "L" LED not working? Did you remove the external LED and run the Blink example (IDE >> EXAMPLES >> BUILT IN EXAMPLES >> 01 Blink)?
Yes, that’s how I found it wasn’t working.
I suspect the LED you "blinked" without an external current-limiting resistor caused Arduiono Pin 13 (microcontroller ATmega328 Pin 19) to source enough current to destroy LED_BUILTIN. The Arduino Pin 13 may still work, but probably will stop working in the near future.
Ok thank you.
Which Arduino are you using and how are you powering it?
Uno R3 and using the usb cable to laptop.
The fact that the onboard LED does not light anymore is probably an indication of a more serious problem.
Do you have a DMM/multimeter to measure voltages?
No I don't. Do you know how that could've happened though? All I did was accidentally put the voltage to the receiver side and vice versa for the IR.
What voltage was that?
This is the circuit that drives the onboard LED on an official Uno.
If your board follows that design the (likely) reason why an external LED still works is that that is connected to the SCK line but the built-in LED is driven through the LMV358.
So it sounds like you have done immediate damage to the LMV358; that chip is also used as the "power selector" (U5A); your description unfortunately does not make clear what you exactly did.
Depending on what you exactly did you might get problems with the 328P later.
Thank you. I’m not even sure what I did because I just looked at some videos I took of what I did and at 2 pm Sunday it was working fine but by 8 I noticed there was no light and I wasn’t working with the IR receiver (which is also destroyed by voltage). If it’s just the 328P I have to change later on and not the whole board then it’s fine I guess. It’s just sad but rookie mistake.