I am very new to arduino, i would like to know if my project is feasible.
i am trying to create a monitor for a small square baler to count, manage pressure and weigh bales- i have attached a picture of how i would like it to display on the screen and a description of the functions below;
FlakeCount - every time there is a rotation past a magnetic sensor or reed switch it counts +1
BaleCount - every time there is a magnetic sensor or reed switch triggered it counts +1 and resets the FlakeCount to 0
HydraulicPressure - display hydraulic pressure from a pressure sensor
AdjustPressure - on the touch screen have an increase button and a decrease button which controls a motor- everytime increase is pressed the motor spins clockwise momentarily, every time decrease is pressed the motor spins anti clockwise momentarily
BaleWeight - every time a switch is triggered it takes a weight and displays until the switch is triggered again, then the new weight is again displayed
BaleAverage - displays average weight from BaleWeight
if anyone would like to offer any help or feedback it would be greatly appreciated
finding load cells with 4-20ma output is common and they make
arduino shields that read that output, because most arduino shields
come with example codes, is should be a fun project.