Help when loading bootloader on a custom board atmega328p AU

I need some help with the Boot loading of my custom board
I attach the diagram and the PCB design.

By the way I do not know if it is a design flaw but when I first connected one of my boards all the LED's lit up for an instant and that did not happen again, I do not know if something is burned or if it is only by the load of the capacitors.

The components of the board are mainly an atmga 328P-au and a

A couple of things jump out at me at first glance:

  1. You have the Rx line on the 328P connected to the Rx line on the FT232R, as well as the Tx line on the 328P connected to the Tx line on the FT232R. That's backwards; transmitters go to receivers and receivers go to transmitters.
  2. You have no connection to SCK, MOSI, MISO and RESET lines, so you have no way of loading a bootloader on to the 328P. So unless there was one already loaded on the chip before you soldered it to the PCB, you have no way of loading anything onto it.

Okay, I soldered some wires to the chip pins following this schematic.

But it still won't let me burn the bootloader, it gives me a failure, on the other hand the arduino one turns off after a few seconds when I connect the 5v and GND pins to the B+ and B- ports of my board respectively.

As a note, do not modify the RESET at all since it is permanently connected.