2 years ago I wanted to make a web server on Arduino with reading .html pages from a MicroSD card. But in my town I didn’t find a store that sold Ethernet Shield, so I bought the HR911105A and HW-125 modules separately, since I don’t really know how to program an Arduino - I started looking for a guide on the Internet, in the end I seemed to have found it but then I lost it and abandoned the Arduino. Now I still want to finish this project so that I don’t have anything lying around, Thank you in advance!
P.S. If possible, please provide the connection diagram along with the code, I will be very grateful!
HR911105A is just the connector. I have very very serious doubts that you will be able to just use a connector to create any form of Ethernet connectivity without additional components.
Which Arduino do you have in mind / are you using.
You will have to find it back.
I use Arduino Uno, HR911105A internet connector and HW-125 SD card reader.
And that guide was probably on an incomprehensible site, and the site was most likely closed
I googled wrong, I should have googled ENC28J60, I just need to find a guide for 12 legs, otherwise there are 10 everywhere
It's not only about connections; it's also about all the lower level networking stuff that a Ethernet shield provides. You will not (my opinion) be able to implement that in an Uno.