Help with Choosing course for embedded device

I am Bsc CS graduate currently working as embedded developer in a startup company that makes devices using development boards .I want to learn more about embedded devices rather than development boards .I would like to go for Masters but i don't know which course should help me fill up my need.

Hello AresXT

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It would be helpful if someone Suggest me Masters which would help me

Thankyou for sharing it :+1: :+1:

I don't know your national syllabus for this.

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Could you share syllabus information of your nation

You should search a syllabus information provided by your universities.

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I like to study abroad but don't know which course should i select and place to study so what should i do first select the course or the university

Define embedded device :wink: It can consist of a microcontroller on its own or it consist of a microcontroller with additional hardware to achieve certain functionality; the latter can become a dedicated chip where this is all integrated.

Development boards are a convenience. If at the end of the day you want to be able to design your own embedded device, I think that a course in electronics will be beneficial.

My background is in electronics; I haven't really used it in ages.

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Thank you for your response . I'll keep in mind .I ll have to think about it .

I can recommend the Cornell embedded class (lectures available online.)

I don’t know that I’ve ever seen a MS set of classes for “EMBEDDED”, per se. Look for classes in “operating systems” and “computer architecture” and probably “networking”, plus a bunch of EE classes.


What's your opinion about Master's in CS with AI and ML

I don't know enough about ML or AI to say.
I will say that when I graduated (BSEE 81), "AI" was one of the BIG topics of masters foci (enough so to make me less interested in an MS!) I think it's really swell that it's finally reaching the point where people are doing something useful with it, only 40 years later. :slight_smile:

(I'll also comment that ML and AI, at least at their core, seem to be very computer SCIENCE oriented I've seen some of the math friends have posted from ML classes they've taken, and it's all stuff I don't remember or never learned. "Embedded Systems" OTOH, I view as more of an engineering discipline...)

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Longest five years ever. And some of us are still waiting…


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