The Panel example took a lot of configuration of Conf files, and did give me a coloured banner on the screen; but I couldn't find any documentation on other Draw commands.
I then tried the LvGl Porting example but get errors on the compile, with other components missing. I have posted the errors on the ESP forum.
I have created sketch's before on Arduino boards with displays - using TinyScreen libraries - and this was a breeze and worked a treat. I'm just looking for something simple forr the ESP.
I'm relatively new to Embedded programming, (though have over 30years+ coding experience on other systems) - and just doing this as a 1-off for a colleague - so looking for something quick and easy.
Wow.. I thought there might be an easy answer here, but looking through the example code, apparently not.
It seems like they're not that excited about you getting up and drawing quickly with that product, hey?
I have basically no relevant experience here to offer, but if you can get the "coloured banner" example to draw bitmap data to the screen, you could probably use a separate library, like AdafruitGFX, to render bitmap data, and then feed it into your working example.
This may or may not be a reasonable way of going about things..
News: New board setup files have been added for the Seeed XIAO with round display, LilyGo T-Embed S3, LilyGo_T_QT_Pro_S3, ESP32 S3 Box and ESP32_S3_Box_Lite. The "RPi" interface style boards are now supported with the ESP32 S3.
Yeah, @theeccentricgenius's idea is sounding much better. Forget my nonsense.
I dont think they will write one library for each device attached to ESP32.
I think they ported major functions (not all) for the SOC, the chip itself ESP32 only. as you can read in arduino core esp32 page.
go to espressif page and study this solution datasheet. it might require you to program in esp-idf IDE and that´s´s my guess, sorry if im wrong.
Really appreciate the help here, but I must be missing something. That TDT_eSPI compiles and loads fine - but doesn't show anything on the screen - I've put some SerialPrint lines in to see where it's up to and it seems to just stop after the setup runs.
I've also included the User_Setup_Select.h and uncommented the relevant board for BOX_Lite - but same thing. Compiles fine but seems lock up after Setup.
Code below - Show 'Setup DOne now' - then 'in the loop' - then stops. Nothing on screen at all.
This sketch demonstrates the use of the horizontal and vertical gradient
rectangle fill functions.
Example for library:
Created by Bodmer 27/1/22
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <User_Setup_Select.h>
#include <TFT_eSPI.h> // Include the graphics library
TFT_eSPI tft = TFT_eSPI(); // Create object "tft"
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Setup
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
void setup(void) {
Serial.begin(115200); /* prepare for possible serial debug */
Serial.println("Hello Arduino!");
Serial.println("Setup done now");
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Main loop
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
void loop()
Serial.println("In the loop");
tft.fillRectHGradient(0, 0, 160, 50, TFT_MAGENTA, TFT_BLUE);
tft.print("Horizontal gradient");
tft.fillRectVGradient(0, 60, 160, 50, TFT_ORANGE, TFT_RED);
tft.print("Vertical gradient");
while(1) delay(500); // Wait here
Serial.println("In the loop");
User_Setup_Select.h is included with one of the other library files....I don't know exactly which one, and don't really care to much about it as it works.