i'm using JC8048W550 and when i compile the hello world on TFT sample i get the following errors and i don't know where to search to get rid of them:
C:\Users\hape\Documents\Arduino\3_3-1_TFT_HelloWorld\HelloWorld\HelloWorld.ino:19:1: error: 'Arduino_ESP32RGBPanel' does not name a type; did you mean 'Arduino_ESP32S2PAR8Q'?
19 | Arduino_ESP32RGBPanel *bus = new Arduino_ESP32RGBPanel(
| ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
| Arduino_ESP32S2PAR8Q
C:\Users\hape\Documents\Arduino\3_3-1_TFT_HelloWorld\HelloWorld\HelloWorld.ino:28:2: error: 'Arduino_RPi_DPI_RGBPanel' does not name a type
Code is simple:
#include <Arduino_GFX_Library.h>
#define GFX_BL DF_GFX_BL // default backlight pin, you may replace DF_GFX_BL to actual backlight pin
#define TFT_BL 2
/* More dev device declaration: https://github.com/moononournation/Arduino_GFX/wiki/Dev-Device-Declaration */
#if defined(DISPLAY_DEV_KIT)
Arduino_GFX *gfx = create_default_Arduino_GFX();
#else /* !defined(DISPLAY_DEV_KIT) */
/* More data bus class: https://github.com/moononournation/Arduino_GFX/wiki/Data-Bus-Class */
//Arduino_DataBus *bus = create_default_Arduino_DataBus();
/* More display class: https://github.com/moononournation/Arduino_GFX/wiki/Display-Class */
//Arduino_GFX *gfx = new Arduino_ILI9341(bus, DF_GFX_RST, 0 /* rotation */, false /* IPS */);
Arduino_ESP32RGBPanel *bus = new Arduino_ESP32RGBPanel(
40 /* DE */, 41 /* VSYNC */, 39 /* HSYNC */, 42 /* PCLK */,
45 /* R0 */, 48 /* R1 */, 47 /* R2 */, 21 /* R3 */, 14 /* R4 */,
5 /* G0 */, 6 /* G1 */, 7 /* G2 */, 15 /* G3 */, 16 /* G4 */, 4 /* G5 */,
8 /* B0 */, 3 /* B1 */, 46 /* B2 */, 9 /* B3 */, 1 /* B4 */
// option 1:
// ST7262 IPS LCD 800x480
Arduino_RPi_DPI_RGBPanel *gfx = new Arduino_RPi_DPI_RGBPanel(
800 /* width */, 0 /* hsync_polarity */, 8 /* hsync_front_porch */, 4 /* hsync_pulse_width */, 8 /* hsync_back_porch */,
480 /* height */, 0 /* vsync_polarity */, 8 /* vsync_front_porch */, 4 /* vsync_pulse_width */, 8 /* vsync_back_porch */,
1 /* pclk_active_neg */, 16000000 /* prefer_speed */, true /* auto_flush */);
#endif /* !defined(DISPLAY_DEV_KIT) */
* End of Arduino_GFX setting
void setup(void)
#ifdef TFT_BL
pinMode(TFT_BL, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(TFT_BL, HIGH);
gfx->setCursor(10, 10);
gfx->println("Hello World!");
delay(5000); // 5 seconds
void loop()
gfx->setCursor(random(gfx->width()), random(gfx->height()));
gfx->setTextColor(random(0xffff), random(0xffff));
gfx->setTextSize(random(6) /* x scale */, random(6) /* y scale */, random(2) /* pixel_margin */);
gfx->println("Hello World!");
delay(2000); // 1 second