help with fuses :-(

i was programming the atmega328 fuses and trying different clock speed.
now i can't reprogram the chip!
i set the lfuse to e3 (internal 128khz rc oscillator)
now i get
[edit]avrdude: Device signature = 0x000000
avrdude: Yikes! Invalid device signature.[/edit]

how do i make the atmega work again?

i use arduino with megaisp as a programmer,
what if i use a lower clock speed in the arduino?

what about the high voltage programming?

I know for one situation, where if you fuse out the reset pin then a high voltage programmer is the only way to get the chip to function again with a ISP programmer or bootloader.



i used another atmega programmed with a 8x clock divider, so it was running at 2 mhz, (8 times slower), and then i used it to program the atmega at 128khz (16 times slower than the previous one). Now i have my atmega working again.

btw thanks retrolefty for the answer

next i'll try high voltage programming as shown here :stuck_out_tongue: