home automation / cbus

hey im looking at doing a cbus style system with arduino as its much most cost affective then cbus.

i'd like to start with a small model, and use an ipad and iphone to control the lighting and blinds, possibly even heating.

i'd like to know if any one else has had success using arduino on such a project, and if so what app did you use on the ipad/iphone? and what hardware was used? is it possible to plug in via an ethernetshield and have this control or does it need to be done via serial through the pc?

i've tried google but i cannot seem to find a trustworthy app, and most people use a serial connection, i'd much prefer a ethernet connection.

thanks for the advice. ash.

The Ethernet shield is a very convenient way of connecting your Arduino to other computers. I use several of them to control my digital assets. It needs just a bit of understanding of the network protocols to get it programmed, a serial line is much easier in this aspect, that's why it's used often for beginners projects or when a direct connection to specific PC is necessary anyway.

Do you wanna use your Arduino to do C-Bus (which is just a protocol) or do you wanna do something different but with similar features? If later: what kind of connections between the Arduinos did you think of?

ultimatly i would like to use the arduino as a cbus system. (the cost of one cbus i/o module could supply the whole arduino project)

i would like to remove my switches and wire in push buttons to the arduino to operate the lights, output to relays to operate the lighting, and outputs to a stepper motor for the blinds. even wire in a daylight sensor so the blinds close when it gets dark.

i have no experience with protocols so i guess i'd start with the serial connection.

once the system is complete i would then want to operate this via a phone to see if i left lights on or just to open or close the blinds while at work.

thanks, ash.

CBUS is proprietary, do you have access to the protocol?

I've seen something called "Open CBUS", maybe that can help with the interface although I think it's Clipsal anyway so maybe not so open.

i would like to remove my switches

What's your fail safe plan, with no manual switching what will you do when your program craps itself?


Do I understand you correctly: you wanna use Arduino instead of a C-Bus system?

How do you plan to interconnect the different Arduinos?

Or do you plan to control your whole house with one Arduino? In this case I guess you will fail, a connected button with several meters of wire will probably not work reliably. You should plan at least multiple Arduinos and connect them by some bus system. And, as Graynomad already mentioned, a plan B is always handy.

This is similar to what I am dreaming up. My plan was to use the Arduino with a wifi shield and relay shield at each switch location. I am very new to Arduino though. I was going to ask about the feasibility of this project when I found this thread. Ultimately the idea is to interface with the Arduinos spread across the room via Android tablets and phones (and Windows PC's).

I think I can get away with each "switch" being under $60. Then I found some android ICS tablets for $100. I bought the tablet and I think it'll work out well even though it is so cheap (it's built pretty well).

I think I can get away with each "switch" being under $60.

Sheesh! My wife would kill me if I told her each switch would cost $60. I'm not familiar with the C-Bus protocol, so I don't know what exactly it offers, but using wireless, I've been able to keep mine around $10-15 per switch.


I think I can get away with each "switch" being under $60.

Sheesh! My wife would kill me if I told her each switch would cost $60. I'm not familiar with the C-Bus protocol, so I don't know what exactly it offers, but using wireless, I've been able to keep mine around $10-15 per switch.

Interesting, can you provide some detail? The Arduino itself is more than $15. Wireless shield and relay shield are also more than $15 each.

Interesting, can you provide some detail? The Arduino itself is more than $15. Wireless shield and relay shield are also more than $15 each.

The Arduino boards aren't really intended for production use, rather they are used for prototyping/proof-of-concept. If I want to put something into production, I'll just buy the chip and the appropriate hardware. Using a custom board ($0.70) with an ATTiny84 (~$1) and a HopeRF Transceiver, you can deploy those as the sensors/actuators and have a "base station" that is connected through Ethernet or WiFi to translate the commands. I'll probably put up a post in the Domotics section when I get the chance with details on the entire project.

The Arduino boards aren't really intended for production use, rather they are used for prototyping/proof-of-concept. If I want to put something into production, I'll just buy the chip and the appropriate hardware. Using a custom board ($0.70) with an ATTiny84 (~$1) and a HopeRF Transceiver, you can deploy those as the sensors/actuators and have a "base station" that is connected through Ethernet or WiFi to translate the commands. I'll probably put up a post in the Domotics section when I get the chance with details on the entire project.

That would be great, I am very interested in your knowledge on the subject. This makes me want to ask the question of why is Domotics not more popular? I've looked around and companies who offer home automation solutions charge a bundle!

That would be great, I am very interested in your knowledge on the subject. This makes me want to ask the question of why is Domotics not more popular? I've looked around and companies who offer home automation solutions charge a bundle!

Variety of reasons really. Engineer's salary, making it easy to use and configure, support, packaging, patenting, etc. All the costs add up.

I'll probably put up a post in the Domotics section when I get the chance with details on the entire project.

Would be awesome :slight_smile: