How can I replicate this circuit on a mini 170pt breadboard

I just got a new mini breadboard in a kit and I want to replicate this circuit on it:

How can I use my mini breadboard instead of the big one that he is using so that I can make my circuit more portable?

To me it almost looks like you don't need a breadboard. The servo I assume needs to attach to something mechanical, and the other module has its own connections so all you have left is two LEDs and resistors. But if not into soldering or making a tiny protoboard, this is the way to go.

Every one these proto breadboards I've ever seen are laid out the same way. The smaller ones have the same arrangement of conductor groups as the large ones have, just less of them making them smaller. This image shows the "hidden" connections inside.

long proto 1dfc

The top and bottom row of holes are connected in a long bus. The idea there is to use them as power and ground. Since power and ground are "popular" and connected to a lot of stuff, they run across the entire board so they are close to anything.

In between that are pairs of conductors that are split in the middle. Usually a chip or similar many-pin device is plugged into the center and the pins then connect on opposite sides to a small row of 3 or 4 holes that can be wired to other places. Each pin then has it's own group of extra connection points.

If we look at your example, you can see the two resistors for the LEDs are wired up to the top to a power (or ground) bus. The resistors are then connected to the LEDs that have the pins horizontal, so each LED lead attaches to a separate contact group. That other side then takes the wires to the arduino.

The larger module (is it a RFID or GPS or Bluetooth?) (It doesn't matter.) That module is connected to the middle group of contacts with one pin in each group so they too have other connected contact points.
I guess the short answer is that you can connect a short breadboard exactly like you see the longer one. It's just cut a bit shorter, but the arrangement of connections is the same.

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This is the type of breadboard that I have. I honestly don't understand how they work as I don't see any power or ground rails...

The RFID module is working fine. I placed it on the top part of the breadboard just like it is in the original schematic. The LEDs are not working though.


No problem. You can just select one or a few rows of those rows of 5 holes on either end (or in the middle somewhere) and designate those as power or ground. I generally try to choose a group that is a bit away from any others that are used to prevent an accidental short. The rows of holes don't know or care what voltage you have on any pin. Just be sure to not get mixed up as to which holes are for what.

Usually the color of wires is an indicator where +5 is generally red and ground generally black.
If it is permanent or you would like it to be, using a red or black sharpie to mark specific rows as +5 or ground can be helpful. If you need more than 4 holes, a short jumper wire that jumps between two rows (or more as needed) will let you have a group of 8, 12, 16 ... holes to connect more grounds or power.

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Ohhhh. Ok, this makes much more sense now. Thanks for the help!

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