It explains how to calculate the ripple current on a buck converter using it's duty cycle. But that's useless to me. I don't need to know how to calculate that. I'm not designing a buck regulator.
Ah, well that may be the problem, as in your first post here you said
I've been told ripple current can be a concern with DC-DC converters, but I've so far been unable to find any tutorial or video that explains exactly how I determine what my ripple current and ESR ratings should be.
Which quite reasonably implied that you were in fact, designing a DC-DC converter of some sort, itself.
I'm sticking bulk capacitors around a board. Some are at my power input which is supplied by a buck regulator
What I was hoping to do was just stick a scope on my board, see that I have X microvolts of ripple in my supply, calculate what ripple current rating a 100uF cap would need if placed in that location, and maybe the ESR too if that was related and important, and then I could breathe easy knowing my cap wouldn't explode.
Quite a different question entirely. Clearly your external regulator module already has an output reservoir capacitor which is (hopefully) rated to absorb the ripple current. Whatever further capacitors you provide on your board will merely be supplementing that capacitor and in fact, in general will not be needing to be that large as their purpose is not to suppress ripple on the power supply, but to absorb transients (and those relatively infrequent, compared to the supply ripple) produced by your board.
Or is the ripple current unrelated to how much current the regulator is putting out? Actually now that I think about it, that kinda makes sense.
And you indeed had an inkling that it was not so much of a problem, The problem was that you had not properly explained what it was you had in mind.
I'm just so confused right now. I feel I'm being fed conflicting information, and on top of that I'm being told how to calculate power dissipation when I never even asked how to calculate that and none of the caps on Digikey even have power dissipation ratings. What some of the more expensive ones do have are current and ESR ratings. Though the vast majority don't even have those.
Then you do have the power ratings, because by the formula I previously quoted, Power = I2·R. You were given the current, and you were given the resistance, so you were given the power. Why do you suppose they publish ESR anyway? Well, actually, it is a performance figure as it limits how effectively they regulate, but why does the "maximum" ripple current matter? Only because it generates heat in the capacitor. A fuse works because the current generates heat; too much current and it melts. Too much heat will destroy the capacitor.
Now as to ripple voltage, this is less relevant because the relationship between voltage and ripple current is much more difficult to calculate - we are talking about a capacitor, not a resistor; the impedance is not resistive and the ESR is only a (generally small) part of it. This actually works to your advantage; what you calculate if you divide the ripple voltage by the ESR is actually always greater than the actual ripple current, but you will find it almost impossible to figure out how much greater.
As to your last question, it is quite irrelevant how much charge or voltage the capacitors contain at any instant - the current flow relates only to the change in voltage.
Charge = Capacitance x Voltage = Current x Time