How to "extend" built in RGB led ?

Hi everybody

I want to "extend" builtin RGB led light of the Arduino Giga R1.

What I'm looking for is to light a external red led when the builtin RGB is red blinking.

And so on with green light.

How can I do this ?

Does RGB led has pins on board ?

Or how could I say digitalwrite HIGH on pin PX when the builtin red RGB is bliking ?

Thanks !

Greetings @formulanay! Extending the RGB hardware wise is a bit trickier on the GIGA R1, as the R, G, B, pins are not connected to any of the pin headers.

You can access them via the test points (the image below shows the BLUE led, but it would require soldering to the board.

It depends on what you need. If you want an external LED to flash when mbedOS crashes on the board (this makes it blink red), then you would not be able to implement a software solution as the board would not be running at this point.

If you just want to make an external LED blink whenever your red LED blink, it is very easy, just do something like this:

digitalWrite(LEDR, HIGH);
digitalWrite(external_LED, HIGH);