How to make a reversible ESC

Hi, I am using arduino to control an ESC that controls a brushless motor. The motor only turns in one direction. I know there are reversible ESC but I would like to use my current SIMONK 20A ESC.

I know that if I change 2 of the 3 wires of the ESC (that goes to the motor) the direction of the motor will change. So I ask you: is there any eletric component that I can buy that works like a "double switch" that can do this?

A DPCO switch would do it, Double pole change over.
A two pole relay would also work.

You must not throw the switch while motor is running or powered up however.

You can enable rc car style reversing in the simonk firmware and flash it to your esc. The motor will then turn in either direction with neutral being in the middle (1500us).
Its just a simple software change, flashing can be a pain depending on the esc.

@Boardburner2 do you know in portuguese what would be the name of DPCO ? Or could you please point to me a link in amazon of this product?

@alka I didnt know that I will try to study how to flash a simonk esc

This is a 20A one.

The terms DPCO and DPDT are not always used the same way by all manufacturers.
They can be two or three position with the third position being centre off, you do not want that type.
Also they can have a centre bias, that is they spring back when pressure is released.

Read the specs carefully.

Also a DPDT does not have to be a DPCO switch, it depends how it is wired, try wiki on those terms.

Ok so I am thinking of this: can I create a 4 line (trace) of metal and I move manually 2 traces to different position so the energy goes to different trace? Check the image below:

If I move left/right the middle part I make the current flow in different directions. Do you think this will work? Could this damage my esc?

@Boardburner2 the product you pointed is great but how can I move the switch without manually having to "touch" it? Is there some kind of electric component that does that?

@Boardburner2 the product you pointed is great but how can I move the switch without manually having to "touch" it? Is there some kind of electric component that does that?

Yes, an electromechanical relay. Although, most are SPDT. But you can do reverse ESC operations with SPDT relays (I designed one such system for another Arduino forum user).

These relays can be controlled via your Arduino digital pins.

@Power_Broker thank you! I am thinking about doing that "electromechanical" relay, the problem is that I will have to insert a motor just to switch the middle part.

So I was wondering this: I have a couple of these here

Can I use 2 of these to make my ESC reversible? I think that I could connect two (of the 3 wires) from my ESC to one relay, and connect the same two (of the 3 wires) to another relay in different order. After that I connect the relay to my motor. Will it work?

You can use those IF AND ONLY IF the contacts are rated for the same current as the ESC AND IF you reduce the ESC speed to ZERO BEFORE switching the relay.

sorry @raschemmel but what are those "IF AND ONLY IF"? Can i buy it?

You can use those IF AND ONLY IF the contacts are rated for the same current as the ESC AND IF you reduce the ESC speed to ZERO BEFORE switching the relay.

Absolutely. OP, make sure you take note of these requirements.

sorry @raschemmel but what are those "IF AND ONLY IF"? Can i buy it?

"If and only if" is a figure of speech, not a product. In order to meet the requirements rash mentioned, you need to incorporate it into your software and hardware design, not necessarily buying anything other than correctly rated relays.

I'd say your relays should be rated to at least 25A.

I can't tell if your relays are good enough from your pic (low resolution pic). You might want to get a prefabricated relay module. If not, you'll have to build your own driver circuit for the relay. Sainsmart relay modules are good, might want to look at their options.

I can't tell if your relays are good enough from your pic (low resolution pic). You might want to get a prefabricated relay module. If not, you'll have to build your own driver circuit for the relay. Sainsmart relay modules are good, might want to look at their options.

For this application I would think a snubber across the contacts would be in order just in case.

Get a reversible ESC. Reflashing is one way to do this. Its really fraught with difficulty trying to switch
the output of an ESC - if you switch when powered up it may fry (ie explode) the ESC or your motor windings,
its not worth it.

Get a reversible ESC. Reflashing is one way to do this. Its really fraught with difficulty trying to switch
the output of an ESC - if you switch when powered up it may fry (ie explode) the ESC or your motor windings,
its not worth it.

This is actually a very true statement. Unfortunately, most people tend to underestimate the negative aspects of this and therefore only learn the hard way. If you are the type of person who can GUARANTEE that you will NEVER attempt to switch the relay with the throttle on then you might get away with it.

Yes, I can guaratenn I will only switch when no throttle is being applied. Flashing a new firmware is not an option cause my SIMONK ESC does not have that option... I am trying to find the DPCO to buy here in brazil but I cant find the portuguese name of it :frowning:

DPCO and DPDT are standard worldwide descriptions of electrical devices as far as i know.

Brasil is serviced by RSWWW. international who can supply virtually anything.

Do you need someone who speaks Portuguese particularly as you English seems good ?

Are you looking for a local supplier ?
I often order from China etc but, for cost but have to accept some delay for delivery.

@Boardburner2 I have friends that talk english too but they dont know too much about electronic stuff. I asked in a brazilian forum if anyone knew what was DPCO and still not answer :frowning:

I never heard of RSWWW before! I dont know that company here in brazil. You said you oftenly order from china. Would you mind providing me a link from dealextreme or any similar website with that component?

Yes, I can guaratenn I will only switch when no throttle is being applied. Flashing a new firmware is not an option cause my SIMONK ESC does not have that option... I am trying to find the DPCO to buy here in brazil but I cant find the portuguese name of it :frowning:

Your esc is 100 percent hardware capable of reversing. Adding a switch that costs just about as much the esc itself to do something its already capable of seems a little silly.

The manufacturers loaded the firmware on it so it can be done again (unless they are malicious and set fuses to lock it). Look through this thread

My EMAX 20 A SIMONK ESC does not look to be possible to change firmware :frowning: