Hello everyone, good days. I need your advice. How to make Arduino talk? Okey, already I can do this with TMRpcm library but this is not sufficient quality. It is like robot voice. But I want very good quality as in telephones. Do you have any suggestions? It can be other microcontroller.
How much talking?
A Uno can support about 3 seconds worth of sound of telephone quality.
Any more and you need to add external memory.
Can you use a dfPlayer Mini MP3 player?
Record each word in MP3 format to files on a micro-SD card and play them back through a small speaker or audio level signal to an amplifier. Quality can be as good as you want.
Now I understand the blah() function in your other thread.
Maybe for talking, it should be blab() ?
ESP32duino may be useful:
Walkie-Talkie using UDP Broadcast and ESP-NOW - YouTube
Several variations around the web...
First result in google sounds exactly like old phones
There are links in the description (didn't check them though).
No ı dont use yet. Already ı order that. I wannca check this. Thanks
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