Go on. You have made no attempt to add your Calibration.
// copy-paste results from TouchScreen_Calibr_native.ino
const int XP=PB7,XM=PA6,YP=PA7,YM=PB6; //0x1602 BLUEPILL
//const int XP=PA7,XM=PA2,YP=PA3,YM=PB0; //0x1602 MY BLUEPILL
const int TS_LEFT=907,TS_RT=136,TS_TOP=139,TS_BOT=942; //0x1602 Australian
//const int XP=PB7,XM=PA0,YP=PA1,YM=PB8; //240x320 ID=0x9302
//const int TS_LEFT=810,TS_RT=178,TS_TOP=922,TS_BOT=177; //0x9302 Domenico
//const int XP=7,XM=A1,YP=A2,YM=6; //320x480 ID=0x6814
//const int TS_LEFT=134,TS_RT=906,TS_TOP=114,TS_BOT=924;
//const int XP=7,XM=A1,YP=A2,YM=6; //ID=0x7783
//const int TS_LEFT=208,TS_RT=877,TS_TOP=102,TS_BOT=897;
//const int XP=6,XM=A1,YP=A2,YM=7; //ID=0x7789
//const int TS_LEFT=885,TS_RT=148,TS_TOP=111,TS_BOT=902;
//const int XP = 6, XM = A2, YP = A1, YM = 7; //ID=0x9341
//const int TS_LEFT = 907, TS_RT = 136, TS_TOP = 942, TS_BOT = 139;
Seriously. Run all the library examples first.
Quote example name. Explain any problem.
I doubt if I ever posted a ZIP in that state. Unless I was replying to a BluePill user.