Hi! I've been looking around for a while, and haven't found a definite solution to powering an ESP32 with a battery. I've seen people saying that you can connect 5v to the Vin pin and GND to GND, (surprise,) but I'm not sure how to get that 5v, or how precise the voltage needs to be.
I have two 3.7v drone batteries, a 9v battery, and a whole battalion of 1.5 volt AA and AAA batteries. I also have three type Cs, and a 7.4v lithium rechargeable battery pack.
How are your powering the sensors and what voltage do they need. If you can run on 5V a SEPIC (Boost/Buck) converter would be a great asset. Then you can configure the batteries any way you want just so long as they supply the minimum voltage or more for the converter.
Only practical battery to directly power 3.3V MCU is 3.2V LiFePO4 cell.
Depending on your actual voltage regulator (ncp1117?), you might power it with 7.4V lithium battery to Vin pin.
Boost/buck to 3.3V or 5V is often most practical solution.
I'd like to power at least 5v to the ESP32, as the ultrasound sensors each use 5v, and the MPU uses either 3.3v or 5v. I'm not sure what voltage to use for the motors, but I'm pretty certain that they won't need 5v.
You can have 5V only if you have converter that outputs 5V, your Esp board doesn't have any 5V output converter.
If you have 3.7V battery, with boost converter you can get 5V output for your setup (like what powerbank does)..