how to program new buttons using an existing sketch

hello how can i use this sketch to program the buttons. sorry i am not on top with arduino

#include <Joystick.h>

// H-shifter mode analog axis thresholds
#define HS_XAXIS_12 400
#define HS_XAXIS_56 500
#define HS_YAXIS_135 800
#define HS_YAXIS_246 300

// Sequential shifter mode analog axis thresholds
#define SS_UPSHIFT_BEGIN 670
#define SS_UPSHIFT_END 600
#define SS_DOWNSHIFT_END 500

// Handbrake mode analog axis limits
#define HB_MAXIMUM 530
#define HB_MINIMUM 400

// Digital inputs definitions
#define DI_REVERSE 1
#define DI_MODE 3
#define DI_RED_RIGHT 6
#define DI_RED_LEFT 7
#define DI_BLACK_TOP 8
#define DI_BLACK_RIGHT 9
#define DI_BLACK_LEFT 10
#define DI_BLACK_BOTTOM 11
#define DI_DPAD_RIGHT 12
#define DI_DPAD_LEFT 13
#define DI_DPAD_BOTTOM 14
#define DI_DPAD_TOP 15

// Shifter state
#define DOWN_SHIFT -1
#define NO_SHIFT 0
#define UP_SHIFT 1

// Shifter mode
#define SHIFTER_MODE 0

//int zAxis_ = 0; only used for 5AXIS
//int RxAxis_ = 0; only used for 5AXIS
int RyAxis_ = 0;
int RzAxis_ = 0;
int Throttle_ = 0;

const bool initAutoSendState = true;

// LED blink counter
int led=0;

// Shifter state
int shift=NO_SHIFT;

// Handbrake mode
int mode=SHIFTER_MODE;

int b[16];

int gear=0; // Default value is neutral

// Constant that maps the phyical pin to the joystick button.
//const int pinToButtonMap = 9;

// Last state of the button
int lastButtonState = 0;

// Create the Joystick
Joystick_ Joystick;

//combined setup() for pedals and shifter
void setup()
// G29 shifter analog inputs configuration, A0 changed to A4, and A2 changed to A3
pinMode(A4, INPUT_PULLUP); // X axis
pinMode(A3, INPUT_PULLUP); // Y axis

pinMode(2, INPUT); 

for(int i=0; i<16; i++) b[i] = 0;
b[DI_MODE] =0;

// Initialize Joystick Library


//was loop() but changed to pedals() for no conflict?
void pedals(){
zAxis_ = analogRead(A0);
zAxis_ = map(zAxis_,0,1023,0,255);

RxAxis_ = analogRead(A1);
 RxAxis_ = map(RxAxis_,0,1023,0,255);

RyAxis_ = analogRead(A0);
RyAxis_ = map(RyAxis_,0,1023,0,255);

RzAxis_ = analogRead(A1);
RzAxis_ = map(RzAxis_,1023,0,255,0);            
Throttle_ = analogRead(A2);
Throttle_ = map(Throttle_,1023,0,255,0);         

delay (50);


//was loop() but changed to shifter() for no conflict?
void shifter() {

int x=analogRead(0);                 // X axis
int y=analogRead(2);                 // Y axis

int _isreverse = digitalRead(2);
int _gear_ = 0;

if( _isreverse == 1 ){

_gear_ = 8;


if(b[DI_MODE]==0) // H-shifter mode?
if(x<HS_XAXIS_12) // Shifter on the left?
if(y>HS_YAXIS_135) gear=1; // 1st gear
if(y<HS_YAXIS_246) gear=2; // 2nd gear
else if(x>HS_XAXIS_56) // Shifter on the right?
if(y>HS_YAXIS_135) gear=5; // 5th gear
if(y<HS_YAXIS_246) gear=6; // 6th gear

else                               // Shifter is in the middle
  if(y>HS_YAXIS_135) _gear_=3;       // 3rd gear
  if(y<HS_YAXIS_246) _gear_=4;       // 4th gear


if(gear!=6) b[DI_REVERSE]=0; // Reverse gear is allowed only on 6th gear position

if (gear != gear ){
gear = gear;
Joystick.setButton(gear-1, HIGH);

void desactivar(){
// Depress virtual button for current gear
for(int i = 0; i <= 10 ; i++ ) Joystick.setButton(i, LOW); >

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Start by posting the original sketch here, using code tags when you do. Then explain exactly what you want to do

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What is your level of experience with the Arduino ?

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hello this is my first time writing code and arduino

You would be well advised to try the examples in the IDE, particularly the Button example. It will show you how to read the state of an input pin and take action based on its state which is essentially what you say you want to do

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