I'm working on this Arduino-based Midi-Controller, I'm fairly new to electronics and I'm enjoying every bit of the learning process. However I'm confused about these toggle switches that I bought for my controller.
I didn't know what to watch out for and went with the cheapest ones I found - that turn out to be 125V 6A ON / ON 2 Position DPDT with 6 terminals.

Now, I am wondering if they at all suit my needs.
I planned them in for most basic switching functionality: Read the current position of the switch in my software and do whatever with the result. No secondary load, no external parts to control.
How do I wire this up with my arduino? Can I use them at all? (I still wonder why the specs 125V, 6A didn't strike me when I bought them.) Which terminals are what? I assume I need 3 of the terminals - one each for 5V load from the arduino, ground and signal to attach to an analog IN (can I use a digital in too?) And do I need resistors, as seen on some schematic diagrams that deal with switches?
Thanks a lot for your help!
Kind regards, stefan

Then it's simple. Pick one side (row of three), connect middle pin to GND and one of the outer pins to a digital input. (or the other way around). Done!
Don't forget to turn on internal pull up's.
Look here for the wiring for a DPDT toggle switch spec sheet
The 125 Vac and 6 amps is the maximum you can use the switch for. Anything below that will be fine.
Yes you can use it for Arduino inputs (both analog and digital).
DP DT means Double Pole, Double Throw.
Double Throw means that the switch will connect one common pin (the one in the middle of each row of three, usually) to either of two pins (the ones on the end of each row of three, usually) - as opposed to a Single Throw switch that either connects two pins or doesn't.
Double Pole means that there are two independent switches (the two rows of three for an DPDT switch) connected to the same lever.
Thank you! Works like a charm. I didn't expect it to be that simple.
I really appreciate this super supportive community!
In your case you really need only one input and two of the connections of the switch: GND to the middle, one of the other connections in that row two the pin, enable the pull-up.
Now if the switch is in one position the contact is open and the pin read HIGH, in the other position contact is made and the pin reads LOW. No need for a second pin.
If this is a three-position switch (where there's a middle position where both contacts are open), you need to connect the other side as well, to a second pin.