Hello, I am making a 3d printer, but the motors in the z axis rotate slowly. I connected the motor pins in parallel as 2B 2A 1A 1B. The program I use is repetier 1.0. my problem is the arduino program? I would appreciate it if you could help me. good work .
What Arduino board are the A4988's connected to?
Are you connecting two motors to a single A4988?
Post a link to the datasheet for the stepper motors.
You may get more useful help with this problem on the RepRap Forum which specialises in 3D printing. This Arduino Forum is for helping people with writing Arduino programs.
i connected with arduino mega 2560 .
yes single A4988. because in shiled, 2 stepper motors are used for 1 motor driver in the z axis.
Nema 17 (17HS4401) 17HS4401 Datasheet PDF - Datasheet4U.com
Thank you for your help. I will write to the RepRap Forum.
According to the datasheet the ...4401 stepper motor draws 1.7 amps. One motor on its own would be too much for an A4988. As you are connecting two of them I presume the A4988 is seriously overloaded.
When connecting two motors to one driver it is better to connect the motor coils in series rather than in parallel - but you still need a more powerful driver, or else you can set the current limit at about 1 amp and get a lot less torque from the motors.
For two bipolar steppers to run synchronously, you wire the A windings in seriea, and the B windings in series,
so that the same current flows through both, which is important as steppers are current driven. Connecting
in parallel could lead to strange behaviour, as well as overloading the driver!
[ Basically like this:
If you want the motors to rotate in opposite directions reverse just one winding on one motor ]