Human Presence Project

Well, the target is creating a project in Arduino for as school contest. We want to design a solution which will allow a system to decides whether A/C, Lights etc should be on based on human precense. So if there are no human in the house the selected devices A/C, Lights etc will be set to off.

We want the system to detect people even in case they are sleeping (not moving). So motion sensors are not suitable.

I am between the following sensors / solutions:

mmWave Radar - Human Presence Detection Sensor (9 Meters) - DFRobot (Wave Radar)

Analog and Digital Output | Temperature Sensors | Electronic Components Distributor DigiKey (Thermal Sensor)

What do you suggest using?

You could randomly turn lights on or TVs off.
If they get turned back to their previous state, you can be confident that there are humans present.

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no i need sensors to that automatically

Thermal imaging cameras, like the MLX90640 work pretty well for that.

Good grief...
industry already has smart switches for such things, not very original.

But, if you are more interested in the "Arduino" variety, then look over the public projects and decide what would be best for your demo:

"human presence" + "Arduino" at DuckDuckGo

But is it OK if the detection system also detects, dogs, cats, mice etc ?


People who talk to helpers that way on this forum, are instantly added to my permanent ignore list. I will never see any of your postings again.

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what was the problem here? I dont understand.

I just said that "Good grief..." doesnt help at all. I dont see any major issue here. If you believe that was wrong then I really apologize.

I think the "Good grief" was an expression of incredulity.
(No use replying to @anon57585045 if you're already on his ignore list)

Sorry. English is not my native language and I took that as negative.

Anyway, if my comment was wrong, my bad. I apologize. @aarg

U know what. After visiting the link at DuckDuckGo I believe that helped.

I will go ahead with mmWave Sensor.

Thanks and sorry If you got my comment at a negative way. Please accept my apologies.

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