With USB , IDE is detecting the device, While With programmer nothing is being detected. Asking for selecting the port , while connecting with debugger.
In programmer section , two options come "ATmel- ICE over openOCD" and "J-Link over openOCD"
after selecting board . My device or debugger not being detected when connected through debugger. SAMD Boards are added thruogh Board manager in preferences option..
It is ATMEL ICE Debugger . SAMD port i used . In our custom board we dont want to use USB for flashing . There is an AVR port (10 pin ) also available in dubugger board
I mean Debugger (White board) has a USB connector . On other side of debugger there are 10 pin connectors for SAMD and AVR boards connection . From there i connected SAMD board from a 10 pin connector . Nothing is being detected by IDE , so how can i can ?
Can you tell me the flash process, since my Debugger is not being detected anywhere by IDE? On selecting the board "Adafruit Feather M0 SAMD21 MINI", it shows option of programmer/Debugger , tried selecting both options available in programmer menu. But when i try to compile and run, it is not flashing? It tells "No port selection error"
I am trying now the same you told. It shows uploading done via Programmer, but it is not being flashed . From flashing through pragrammer , it shows uploading done in output , but it is not really programming . Through USB cable it is properly programming and while flashing it showing the % of upload as all other boards do. But with programmer it doen;t do this . I verified this by flashing blink LED code with USB as well as Programmer. With USB it is blinking , while with programmer it does not. I used external LED to check blinking in a pin
I selected Arduino M0 board ==> programmer Atmel SAM-ICE ==> Went to Sketch , Upload using programmer ==> It is not uploading .. Should i give externally to the Contller board via USB, since debugger is not giving supply to controller.
I don't own an ATMEL ICE, but am able to do an "Upload Using Programmer" with the "Atmel SAM-ICE" programmer selected in Arduino IDE via a CMSIS DAP compliant debug probe I have on hand, no problems. I'm even using the same ATSAMD21G18 development board as you.
I don't encounter the "OpenOCD init failed" error you show in your latest screenshot.
Please , can you show me the picture, how you are connecting the ATSAMD21G18 board with the CMSIS DAP compliant debug probe ? Please can you cross check my picture . I will match try to match it and will try to do the same.
Will ATMEL ICE programmer work in arduino IDE , Or only compatible with Microchip tools /IDE?
Just make sure the cable is in the right orientation. The pinout of the SWD header on the Robodyn board is like this:
There is a "1" on the silkscreen of the PCB next to pin 1 on the header.
Also make sure the cable is not shifted over by one row on the header. I make that mistake sometimes.
Everything looks good to me. I would guess the red marking on the cable is associated with pin 1. I think you are correct to supply power to the Robodyn board via the USB cable because the Atmel ICE probably doesn't supply power via the SWD header.
It should work fine. I don't own one so I can't verify it.
Can you share us the part number of "CMSIS DAP compliant debug probe" that you are using .
If mine debugger wont work , then we will use the same which worked for you. Since we also don't want to give supply externally to our controller by usb,It should be supplied through debugger itself , since we cant afford this always when our custom board comes next week
You share us picture of your debug connection setup please . This would be helpful for us.