I cant select the grbl file to add as a library

Hello, im trying to add grbl as a library in IDE and it is giving me complications. I am following the instructions that i am seeing everywhere:
1)Download the zip file from github.
2)Unzip the zip file
3) Open IDE and add a library via Sketch/Include Library/Add .Zip Library
4) Then i go to my documents folder(where i have the unzipped folder) and then open grbl_mstr, following that i then click on the grbl folder, press open, and it litterally opens the folder instead of adding it.

Does anyone have a solution to this or has dealt with this already?

Im going to leave this thread here for anyone that needs it. I resorted to downloading the legacy edition instead of using the new 2.0 version of IDE. This immediately fixed the problem. I would still like to use 2.0 however if anyone know a way to fix it on the newer version.

To add a zip library, you do not unzip it first; you point the library manager to the zip, not to the unzipped version.

Hi @jarred_t. Thanks for your report.

The lack of support for using "Add .ZIP Library" to install libraries from folders in addition to ZIP files as you can in Arduino IDE 1.x is a known deficiency in Arduino IDE 2.x:

The subject was discussed with the Arduino IDE 2.x development team some time back and unfortunately due to technical limitations it is not possible to emulate the behavior of the Arduino IDE 1.x "Add .ZIP Library" feature in this respect. So in Arduino IDE 2.x "Add .ZIP Library" can only be used with ZIP files.

I saw that the official Grbl installation instructions relied on this capability. I have added Arduino IDE 2.x-specific instructions to their documentation to prevent others from experiencing the same problem:


Since you have already installed the Grbl library using Arduino IDE 1.x, you can simply go back to using Arduino IDE 2.x without any need to install the library again.

Please let me know if you encounter any problems.

The problem is that the Grbl library is in a subfolder of the repository:

The "Add .ZIP Library" feature (in all IDE versions) requires that the library be in the root folder of the ZIP archive. If it is not, the installation fails with an error something like:

Error: Request installZip failed with message: 13 INTERNAL: Library install failed: library not valid

Unzipping the file and then using "Add .ZIP Library" to install the library from the subfolder of the unzipped folder was the workaround for that situation.

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Thanks for that. I have GRBL installed but can't remember how I did that. For me, if one way does not work, I install manually without even thinking about it.

Drag the 'grbl' folder from the unzipped 'grbl_master' folder to the 'libraries' folder. Re-start the IDE and the 'grbl' library will be installed.

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didn't work for me

I like the "Build as a normal Arduino IDE project" method:

Download GitHub - gnea/grbl: An open source, embedded, high performance g-code-parser and CNC milling controller written in optimized C that will run on a straight Arduino (or GitHub - gnea/grbl-Mega: An open source, embedded, high performance g-code-parser and CNC milling controller written in optimized C that will run on an Arduino Mega2560) as a .zip file using the green "Code v" button and selecting "Download ZIP"

Unpack the "grbl-master.zip" file.

Copy the 'grbl' folder (from the expanded grbl-master folder) into the 'libraries' folder of your sketchbook folder.

Select Tools -> Manage Libraries... to re-scan the libraries folder.

Close the Library Manager dialog.

Select your Arduino UNO board (or Arduino MEGA 2560 board) and the corresponding serial port.

Select File -> Examples -> grbl -> grblUpload.

Upload that 'example' to your Arduino and that should install grbl.

I had to move the grbl subfolder from the file and place it in the Arduino libraries manually. You can't copy and past. It doesn't work.

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Copy paste works in windows for the GRBL folder !

I extracted the gbrl folder to the desktop reziped it, pointed to it with IDE and this worked for me


That worked for me, thanks.

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can you solve grbl problem bro? grbl not to seen on ardunio library . l have same problem as you.

Hi @teory. Please carefully follow the instructions that are provided here:

If there is anything in the instructions you don't understand, or if you have any problems while following them, then provide a detailed description of the dilemma in a reply here and we'll provide assistance.

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