I give up...

OK, I've uploaded the ArduinoISP sketch to a "DCcEle DCcduino Uno" board (without issue) and then set my board to ATTiny85, 1MHz (Internal) clock and I cannot get beyond the same error message every time:

avrdude: Yikes! Invalid device signature. Double check connections and try again, or use -F to override this check.

Do I simply need to run the upload from a command line and use (-F) to get around this or is this something more than that?

I have used the cap on the Uno board between reset and ground (observing polarity correctly of course) and I have even tried cap values of 2.2uF, 4.7uF, 22uF, 33uF, 47uF and 100uF.

Rest assured that all 6 wires are properly connected to the ATTiny85 and that all continuity tests have been made and tested per each wire.


Thanks! :slight_smile:

Is there a boot loader required to already be in the new/blank ATTiny85 for something to successfully upload to it? This is one thing I've always been unsure about. I've even tried to "Burn Bootloader" option but get the exact same error message as above.

The compiler window shows: avrdude: Device signature = 0x000000 (retrying)

So I can clearly see the discrepancy. But, why is the MCU reporting a blank signature? Is it lacking a boot-loader in essence?

Is the tiny85 powered with decoupling cap(s).

I think the reset pin has been changed in the latest Arduino as ISP sketch, you might check that.

My ArduinoISP sketch shows pin 10 on the Uno to be reset and that is what is connected right to pin 1 on the Tiny85. I have tried with and without power connected to the Uno and the Tiny85.

What is "DCcEle DCcduino Uno", is it Arduino clone? What ide are you using? Please send us a picture of the of the wireing.

0x000000 indicates a wiring error, or the chip was set to use an external crystal but none is present, or the chip is damaged.

It pisses me off that avrdude mentions the -F in that error, as 99+% of the time, it won't help, and could make matters worse - its almost always a wiring or fuse configuration issue

It pisses me off that avrdude mentions the -F in that error, as 99+% of the time, it won't help, and could make matters worse - its almost always a wiring or fuse configuration issue

Yes, but there is written also "Double check connections and try again,...". Sometimes it looks like nobody reads this.