Can't burn bootloader to attiny85 (digispark). device ver. failed

Hey there. So I bought 2 of these (attiny85 micro usb)
I have successfully flashed bootloaders multiple times to them. However, I haven't used them for quite some time (like 3-6 months), so I don't remember what happened, but it is not being detected when flashing sketch on it (only on 1 of them). So I decided to flash (yet again) a bootloader on it, but.... there is a problem.

First of all, I have no idea what am I actually doing when I am flashing the bootloader, I am just following tutorial, which I made from a youtube video.
So, when I run avrdude (from cmd), it says:

avrdude: Device signature = 0x000000
avrdude: Yikes! Invalid device signature
Double check connections and try again, or use -F to override this check.

When I try the -F options, it says this:

avrdude: verifying ...
avrdude: verification error, first mismatch at byte 0x1980
0x00 != 0x17
avrdude: verification error, content mismatch

And I have no idea why is this happening.
Here are some images of all my "progress" (cables connections, errors, etc.)

Thank you for anything, that could resolve my problem.

-F is not the appropriate workaround for the signature 0x000000 issue. When you get that error it means there is something seriously wrong and ignoring the signature won't help.

BTW, you don't need to select Tools > Programmer > ArduinoISP when flashing the ArduinoISP sketch to your Uno. It's confusing that they named the sketch for the "Arduino as ISP" programmer ArduinoISP when there is a completely different programmer named ArduinoISP but I see from your screenshots that you are not using the ArduinoISP programmer during your attempts at burning the bootloader.

-F is not the appropriate workaround for the signature 0x000000 issue. When you get that error it means there is something seriously wrong and ignoring the signature won't help.

BTW, you don't need to select Tools > Programmer > ArduinoISP when flashing the ArduinoISP sketch to your Uno. It's confusing that they named the sketch for the "Arduino as ISP" programmer ArduinoISP when there is a completely different programmer named ArduinoISP but I see from your screenshots that you are not using the ArduinoISP programmer during your attempts at burning the bootloader.

Thanks for the info, but do you know what do to?

Do you have anything plugged into the micro USB port? Remove that if so.

IMO these digispark boards and the hackjob VUSB bootloader are more trouble than they're worth - better to just use a straight up ATTiny85 without the added USB crap.

Nothing is connected to the usb. Only Uno is connected to PC.

Burning bootloader [DISCLAIMER: If fuse is already burned, ATtiny/digispark can be programmed only with 12V programmer]

but no fuses are burned. Look at the screenshots.

"As ISP connection needs the enabled RESET function (and therefore disabled GPIO function of the shared physical pin), there is no way, to program an off-the-shelf digispark with any ISP device, because the digispark has disabled the reset function."

Many of the clones don't ship with RSTDSBL set.

"As ISP connection needs the enabled RESET function (and therefore disabled GPIO function of the shared physical pin), there is no way, to program an off-the-shelf digispark with any ISP device, because the digispark has disabled the reset function."

but this is clone, which has no blown fuses, so the reset pin is still working normally.

Many of the clones don't ship with RSTDSBL set.

Idk what it is, but I was able to burn the bootloader to it multiple times.

Sorry, I read something and went off on the wrong track. I have two different Clone digispark units that I believed the reset had been disabled on. I just hooked both kinds up to a Usbasp and programmed them with no problem using ATTinyCore.

Sorry again for wasting your time.

Sorry, I read something and went off on the wrong track. I have two different Clone digispark units that I believed the reset had been disabled on. I just hooked both kinds up to a Usbasp and programmed them with no problem using ATTinyCore.

Sorry again for wasting your time.

Well, thanks for the info, but how does that help me with putting bootloader on it?

"Well, thanks for the info, but how does that help me with putting bootloader on it?"

Did you do these steps successfully?

  1. Tools -> Board -> ATtiny25/45/85 [depends on your ATtiny board]
  2. Tools -> Processor -> Attiny85
  3. Tools -> Clock -> Internal 16MHz
  4. Tools -> Programmer -> Arduino as ISP
  5. Open -> Basics -> Blink
  6. Change every "LED_BUILTIN" to "1" [ATtiny board does not have built in led. Instead it is using pin1 for blink]
  7. Click "Upload"
  8. If your ATtiny85 starts to blink, you are good to go [if not, there is a mistake somewhere]

"Well, thanks for the info, but how does that help me with putting bootloader on it?"

Did you do these steps successfully?

  1. Tools -> Board -> ATtiny25/45/85 [depends on your ATtiny board]
  2. Tools -> Processor -> Attiny85
  3. Tools -> Clock -> Internal 16MHz
  4. Tools -> Programmer -> Arduino as ISP
  5. Open -> Basics -> Blink
  6. Change every "LED_BUILTIN" to "1" [ATtiny board does not have built in led. Instead it is using pin1 for blink]
  7. Click "Upload"
  8. If your ATtiny85 starts to blink, you are good to go [if not, there is a mistake somewhere]

If it hasn't yet been bootloaded (or you've changed the clock or BOD settings since you last did so), you need to to Tools -> Burn Bootloader between step 7 and 8. Er... the second steps 7 and 8...

If it hasn't yet been bootloaded (or you've changed the clock or BOD settings since you last did so), you need to to Tools -> Burn Bootloader between step 7 and 8. Er... the second steps 7 and 8...

Can you give me link on how to burn the bootloader on it? Where did you found the board manager? I have the one from digistump.