I need a help in my project

Hi, Everyone I've already joined your community and I hope it is useful, what I need is the following: I have a Graduation project which is how to control the electricity wheel chair by voice like forward for going backward left wright and stop I used the following components:1 Arduino Uno 2- voice recognition 3- a little car(hqs motors) It works but the problem is with the noise you know the street is full of noise so it causes an I so How can I fix this problem to enhance the response I hope you help me either software solutions or hardware.

Adjust the voice recognition module's sensitivity threshold to filter out low-level noise while still capturing clear voice commands. This can help reduce false positives caused by ambient noise.

How about a head mounted microphone?

You have to be very careful about the software for this project as it is potentially dangerous if you get it wrong and you could send a person hurtling into danger.

Also use a voice recognition module that has to be trained on a user's voice as many people who need this product might have cerebral palsy, and are difficult for able-bodied people to understand.

How could I do this ?

This = adjust the sensivity threshold to filter out low levelnoise.

Dear @easyhog114 ,

welcome to the arduino-forum.
I'm pretty sure that you agree and will follow the way how to solve your problem mimimum 200 minutes faster.
This requires to invest 20 minutes of your precious time to read how to speedup solving your problems.

Directly after registering you got presented informations how to speed up solving your problem.
You should really read it.

In your case this means:
post the datasheet / user manual of your voice-recognition device.

If your environment is a very car and motorcycle crowded road the system will work onl unreliable
because the backround noise-level is even higher than the drivers voice.
In generak you should describe the details of your project.

best regards Stefan

Yes in my as you described it's so crowded so how can I solve the problem and one more thing this graduation project is for the disabled people who couldn't use either their feet or hands so sure they wanna go to the Street

Use a noise cancelling microphone.

How about using a "mouth"-joystick? or chin-joystick?
No noise-filtering nescessary at all.
If these people can speak the can move their head and tongue.

My estimation is that such people feel more comfortable with a joystick than with
speaking "forward" "stop" "left" "backward" "forward" "stop" "left" "stop" "forward"

Air pressure in a tube, light inhale/exhale puffs, one puff/multi-puff/long-puff. (internet warning: be very selective on the words used to search).

This device might be too sensitive (40kpa/5psi max).

Maybe a Throat Mic?
You would have to defeat the PTT (press to talk)

One of the things I do is to make music instruments for disabled people with this group of volunteers.

It brings together technologists and disabled people to solve their problems, both individually and with general accessibility.

I have many friends there who are disabled, and since I had a stroke last year, which left me with only a few fingers working on my right hand, I have also have my own disability.

One thing that many of my disabled friends hate, is some able-boded person telling them what is best for them, without involving them in the discussion.

So as this is a University project I would expect you to do some research into their needs. I would expect you to do this because I am a retired University senior lecturer (Physics, Astronomy & Instrumentation) and have supervised more final year projects than I can count.

Their are many groups trying to help disabled people so please use the internet to find one close to you and get involved with them.


The answer to your problem has been around for at least 75 years. Look for VOX or voice control. The circuit will only turn on when someone speaks.

Couldn't find what I am looking for :confused:

So what?

So without knowing exactly what you are looking for, the two options are, you are looking (on line) using the wrong words or what you are looking for does not exist.