I need help for my sabertooth switches

Hello, i'm from France

I've got a mobile platform where they are 4 moteur (2x2 in parallel) and I wan't to control those motors with a potentiometer connectd to my sabertooth 2x25 card. But they are some switches on this card, I answer to those question ( Sabertooth 2X25, 2X12 and 2X5 DIP switch configuration wizard ) but at final, when I test the setting with my potentiometers, all the motors turn and I want just 2 motors (1 group of motor (S1)) turn ..

Can you help me please ? I don't know if the problem comes the switches .. I just wanna controle the first group of motor when the potentiometer is connected to S1 or the second group of motor when the potentiometer is connected to S2 ..

Thank you very much sorry for spelling mistakes ..