Arduino for anyone but professional coders is a scam. They claim you can buy their IoT boards and follow their easy examples and use their easy pre-assembled code, to do things such as monitor temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure and light, just buy their easy to use shields! Ha! I bought the MKRwifi 1010 with ENV shield and have tried 100 different attempts using their examples, etc. I even asked for guidance here. What I got in return was a vague response telling me to what the problem was. When I tried their advice, it did not work. I tried asking for clarification and got the response "just fix the problem" Ha!
The main issue is a very very small amount of guidance is all that is available. So, if you aren't a coder nerd, your SOL.
I am sorry that you feel the way that you do
I suspect that the reason you have not had a follow-up to your latest post in your other topic Temp Sensor writes to Serial Monitor, Not to Dashboard - #4 by noobmastha may be because of the category that it is posted in. I have moved it to the IOT Cloud category where it may get more notice
Its just a noob frustration period and it
s normal, it will pass
The coding IS the most interesting thing in Arduino, so if you dont like it, why didn
t you bought plug and play thermometer or whatever, it is also cheaper.
@noobmastha The coding may be the most interesting thing to you but different people have different interests and @ragnardanneskjold may think differently
It is certainly a fact that to get the best out of the Arduino ecosystem a mixture of skills is required and it would be unusual for a user to be strong in all areas, but that is the strength of the forum because its members have a wide range of skills and backgrounds
It is very true that Arduino Co. has lately been pumping out incompletely tested and unfinished products, with minimal or even wrong example applications, combined with insignificant customer support.
Since there are so many new boards, few Arduino forum members (volunteers, by the way) have had a chance to try any of them, and to learn how to deal with all the problems that inevitably crop up.
@ragnardanneskjold Adafruit, Pololu and Sparkfun do a much, much better job of supporting their products, and the companies have all hired professionals who actively monitor the customer support forums.
The answer to that question is... I have a 40 year background in HVAC service and in building automation and am quite capable of installing and setting up / operating building automation systems by JCI, Schneider, etc. and I have many ideas for applications of automation at my small farm. I didn't want to pay $30,000.00 USD for a "plug and play" automation system. I thought the IoT Arduino was a perfect solution to that. I have been learning C++ for Arduino for a while now. I can setup and run any of the two Arduinos I have now and read the Serial Output all day long. The problem lies in the lack of clarity in how to make those sketches run in the cloud. Believe me, I have been trying for three weeks now.
IoT itself is a separate can of worms. I regard it as a fantasy that may evenutally go away.
My advice is don't waste any time on IoT until you have the basics of local monitoring and control firmly down.
Agreed and understood @jremington. I think Arduino needs to at least clarify, for example, "if you want to run, say a sketch to monitor temperatures and monitor them online, you have to...", and then give EXACT coding examples, not generalized, vague directions.
@jremington... please see my response to @noobmastha on that topic.
Also, I think IoT is HUGE. The possibilities are unlimited. If Arduino lets this pass they will be making a grave mistake because they will be left behind by their competitors. People such as myself, who need to monitor several things on a farm or anywhere else can potentially, do so, wirelessly with this setup.
Many other companies, like Sparkfun, gave up on supporting IoT for lack of interest and profit.
But by all means, have fun.
I think the reason for the lack of interest is lack of widespread awareness this capability exists. Coming from a commercial building automation background, I know companies pay $100,000.00 plus for these capabilities. As a building engineer, I would jump all over this system because it's cost is peanuts compared to a true building automation system.
You paid for the support on the 30K systems, what did you pay for your Arduino device? I have been in micro controllers since the 70's and have worked with a lot of them. I stay away from IOT because of the reliability problems etc I have experienced. There are many different Arduinos referenced on this forum and I do not answer many because I am not that familiar with them and I an a volunteer that has no interest in those particular modules hence do not spend time learning them. By your definition I am a "So, if you aren't a coder nerd, your SOL." Good Luck!
Funny how things work eh… i find the Arduino community and support it offers the best part. that is why i always pay way more for genuine Arduino than a 5$ aliExpress board… but that is my experience and opinion and is of no use to you! LOL
I can’t speak to intuitiveness or reliability of Arduino IoT cloud BUT I can tell you I have been using Blynk IoT for 3 years now, no issues… their documentation is not the best like most of these companies but hey! No downtime at all and low coding ,,, maybe give that a try??
Interesting enough the Arduino company are planning a specific IoT product for launch.
How do I know?
Well, a few weeks back they were asking for beta testers of all sorts of background in matters IoT.
But I also agree with the first paragraph of @jremington 's post #5 , it remains to be seen what fist they make of this one.
Ok, I understand all you want to say, I believe, the customer support isnt great, but you have a huge community. If you
re talking about Arduino IOT Cloud, those simple examples for reading temperature and humidity with a sensor should be easy enough, maybe you`re missing something trivial?
I have a working unit, made with ESP32, reading bunch of sensors and sending the values to ArduinoCloud . It works without a problem for more than 2 years now.
If you expect that buying 50 bucks worth of hardware will get you a dedicated support line willing to write code for you or debug your code, then sure, you are going to be disappointed…
If you are willing to pay market price for training /coaching or someone developing for you then I’m pretty sure you’ll find help.
The single quote / apostrophe is on the keyboard with the double quotes. On a US layout it's right next to the Enter key.
You're using tic marks (which are on the key with the tilde (~). Those are interpreted by the forum software as single lines that you want marked as code. It's fudging the formatting on all of your posts. If you will use the correct key for the apostrophe then this won't happen.
That is not what I expect. By the way, money is not the issue here, at all. My entire point is based on the fact that there is a lack of good guidance from Arduino themselves, regarding how-to, for the average person with a moderate knowledge of coding these boards. For example, Arduino gives their "getting started" setup for IoT, using the blink sketch. When I go and look at that sketch, it becomes very obvious that if I want to set up an IoT monitor for my ENV Shield, There is definitely some code missing to make that happen. I'm pretty sure it is something simple, but the question is, What is it? So far, I've seen a couple of suggestions from the forum. Neither has worked as of yet. And by the way, my criticism isn't toward anyone on this forum.
I would actually like to find someone who has the knowledge to help with the coding part and would be glad to pay them. My criticism is against Arduino for not making a better set of instructions for those of us who want to make our own sketches and put them online.
There is a forum category for precisely that. Would you like your original topic moved to that category ?
Do you think about this? What is missing?