I see a side bar 👍



Thank goodness it can be hidden

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Click the sandwich stack.

He knows :smiley:

This was not my doing :rofl:

For those that want to make use of it a quick guide. As seen in the above screenshot, it's currently only populated with standard items.

You can add your own custom sections.

Click on the plus at the bottom

You will get the below screen

Fill in a section title; I've called it Categories_Sterretje.
Add one or more "lines', e.g. categories (or topics) of interest

Click the save button. The result is in the first screenshot of the of this reply.

The sequence in which you enter the lines will be the sequence in which the will be displayed. Shuffling them is a bit of a mission; you'll have to delete and add at the end.


I like the new side bar! :grinning:

I mostly post from my phone - I don't see a sidebar, and I don't see some other controls I usually use.

I wish whoever it is would stop buggering about with the layout - it's really getting on my t*ts.

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I knew I had forgotten something. To edit a section, click the pencil next to it that shows when you hover over the section title


How? I am not good at puzzzles.

Hamburger at the right under your profile icon. But it seems a bit screwed up on a phone.

Which ones?

To my knowledge this is the first big change that has been made in 2 years. Did I miss something?

Hamburger at the left


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WTaF is a "hamburger" ?
There's nothing under my profile icon - there used to a useful control.

I have a couple of phones, a couple of tablets, and a couple of laptops - apart from the laptops, I don't think the UI is the same on any of the devices.
It's really annoying.

Whoever fixed it, it's OK niw on phone.

Click the "hamburger" above the side bar

Anyone who calls that thing a hamburger needs to see an optometrist or visit a restaurant.


At the right top under my profile icon

No, but I've got one to the left of the infinity forum symbol/logo.
I used to have one under my profile icon.


That depends on the amount of horizontal screen estate that you have. On my cell phone it's on the right, on my desktop it is on the left.

You can get used to it. I did but I have been playing with it for a while now. Sidebar was one of my suggestions a few weeks ago here on the forum and was implemented on the staging site for forum users to get a feel for it.

So, a UI that used to appear on the right of my screen, now appears on the left of my screen.

This is some sort of improvement?

(And now the screen goes blank when I try to edit)