Hello all,
I’ve begun laying out a new project and could use some help identifying a way to implement it. Photos attached.
I have a USB powered commercial external sound card that is configurable for use with multiple external devices (HAM radios). The device is configured for different radios via jumper wires in a DIP-16 socket which route the audio in, audio out, transmit trigger (PTT), and ground. Of course, to switch radio, the device must be disassembled and the jumpers repositioned, which is a hassle when switching radios.
I’ve made a number of bare bones projects with ATMega328’s and ATTiny85’s and had a few PCB’s manufactured, so I figured I could come up with something using one of those to make that process a bit easier.
My initial thought was to simply mount a 5 position switch on the back panel to select a specific pin configuration, do an analogRead of that switch immediately after power up, then have the microcontroler set the required jumper connections. I hit a wall when trying to figure out how to complete the jumpers…
Ideally, I’d need each of pins 9-16 of the DIP-16 socket to connect to pins 1-8 in different combinations for each radio.
Pin 9 connects to pin 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8
Pin 10 connects to pin 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8
Etc… with only a single possible connection of any two pins.
I suppose this could be done with some I/O expanders and 64 discreet transistors, but that seems like a messy brute force way of going about it and routing the traces for all of that on a two layer board would be a challenge.
I really could get away without using a few of these pins. I think the minimum necessary would be 4 pins on one side connecting to pins 9-16 on the other side...so 32 possible connections.
Is there an IC or another method that could do this in a more elegant way?
Thanks for any ideas.