IDE starts then dissapears!

Im new to this arduino and am not the best with the computer so if im doing something silly, please forgive ; )

I downloaded the IDE pack, seemed to get the drivers ok (at least windows thinks so) but when i click the arduino.exe file I get a one second flash of the intro (blue box with writing) then it dissapears, no sign of the actual IDE.

I am on vista, I seem to have com ports finding an arduino and drivers seem ok, I have updated java and removed old copies of java, I have tried IDE 0018 and 0022 but both do exactly the same thing (appear to start, then nothing).

I am guessing that i am not extracting the files right, or perhaps not arranging the files correctly! any advice would be appreciated, cheers

Can you run the application from a terminal window? Might show more information. I suspect that this is some error detected by the Java runtime - check you have correct Java installed?

I have the same problem. Just re-installed Windows XP SP3 on a Pentium 4 system. Fresh download of Arduino-22. Initial run attempt sent me to Oracle site to install JAVA. I installed 32 bit version JDK-7-windows-i586.exe--is that the "correct version"? I ran Arduino from a prompt window, got no diagnostics. Process Arduino.exe shows up in process list for a second, then disappears. Now what?


After you unZipped the IDE package, did you move the files or rename folders? I put my Zip file in a folder called ...\Arduino. By the time it unzipped, it was in ...\Arduino\Arduino-22\Arduino-22... I thought that last folder was just messy, so I moved all files up a level and got rid of the last \Arduino-22, and had the same symptom you were seeing. After trying a lot of other things, I deleted all but the Zip file, and let it unzip to the default location. Arduino.exe ran fine that time. So if you moved or renamed, go back and use the defaults.