I'm looking for Data Logger (DAQ) Using the Arduino

I pore over the draft Data Logger (DAQ) using the Arduino Uno and connecting it to a PC via the RS232 port.

I do not have much experience with this product and now my head hurts from that already.

Data Logger is intended to cooperate with the magnetometer FMX-1 (diagram and description file attached) and visualize the result of the measurement on the laptop screen when working in 3D (eg 3DField, Snuffler, GeoSurveyor, Matlab, etc ..) look at attached image.

Magnetometer FMX-1 has 8 outputs D0-D7 from PIC16C54A to DC/AC type AD557 and signaling changes / measurement type as audio.

Do any of you have experience in this or a similar topic and wanted to help me?
Thank you in advance for this and greet.


fmx1.pdf (441 KB)

I pore over the draft Data Logger (DAQ) using the Arduino Uno and connecting it to a PC via the RS232 port.

Wow! Open-ended topic.
Entire books are written about such things. For example, a PC program can just read a serial port and write a log file. Or, a program can use the PC to send serial data to an Internet-of-Thingslogging site, or Google, or your own webserver.

Or, as in what I did, Excel can just capture the data as keystrokes!

There is VBA code to read a serial port and drop the characters into Excel, too. Google for it.

You can also use an old DOS PC/notebook to echo the serial port to a text file on the hard disk.
