Hi there!
Someone have a list about in how many Atmels CPUs the Arduino platform can be run?..at diferents bootloaders of course.
I try to build the non-official list
I found for now this parts:
At Tiny 85
At mega 32
Best Regards !!
Hi there!
Someone have a list about in how many Atmels CPUs the Arduino platform can be run?..at diferents bootloaders of course.
I try to build the non-official list
I found for now this parts:
At Tiny 85
At mega 32
Best Regards !!
Like that you mean?
I don't think there's a list anywhere though
ATMega2560 (somewhat incompletely?)
ATMega644 (I think?)
ATTiny84 (being worked on?)
I'm not sure of the level of "completeness" on any of the above, so you might want to look into them further, and perhaps add a column to your list that gives some indication of completeness, with some notes.
ATMega644 (I think?)
Yes, sanguino and the rogue robotics boards both have bootloaders for the 644. Florin chiperi's Duino644 is also working with it (but uses the sanguino bootloader)
This could be quite a good list.
Maybe expand this to any CPUs that have been used with the arduino IDE.
Also, ATmega645 (on the Illuminato)
An ugly list to be completed!
MEGA 8 | ATmegaBOOT.hex | ORIGINAL |
MEGA 168 | ATmegaBOOT_168_ng.hex | ORIGINAL |
MEGA 328 | ATmegaBOOT_168_atmega328.hex | ORIGINAL |
MEGA 1280 | ATmegaBOOT_168_atmega1280.hex | ORIGINAL |
MEGA 32 | ? ? | ORIGINAL |
MEGA 64 | ? ? | ? ? |
MEGA 48 | ? ? | ? ? |
MEGA 644 | SANGUINO | 100% ?? |
MEGA 645 | SANGUINO | 100% |
TINY 84 | NO, ONLY BY ISP | ? ? |
TINY 85 | NO, ONLY BY ISP | ? ? |
Best Regards
Well there is more involved to support 'non-standard' AVR chips on the Arduino IDE platform. In addition to the bootloader file there are 'core' files that perform the abstracted I/O pin numbering conversion as well as board config files that need to be replaced or changed. Also many libraries have define statements that only cover the standard Arduino AVR chips.
Support for non-standard processor chips is not automatic, however the Arduino IDE has been pretty 'agnostic' and even helpful in making it possible for 3rd parties to add their board selection to the standard offerings, and that's a good thing.
ATmega 324P as on the ruggedcircuits gator and gator plus board
MEGA 644 SANGUINO 100% ??
Seems to be good. Works good on the Duino644.
there is already a list started, might I suggest the 2 get merged to save us all some legwork?
Well I'm surprised I hadn't seen that. Thanks, I will move myself over there