Induction stove

wondering if controlling an induction stove coil

with something like this

and a library on the likes of this one (if not this one) ->

is doable or i'm missing something to not start fire?
the coil is rated at 2000W as the dimmer...

No, that is not "doable", and would be extremely unsafe if you try.

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Induction coils work at high frequency. Industrial induction coils are near 100k Hz. Your dimmer isn't even close.

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    I stupidly forgot about the high frequency...

so there isn't commercially [and cheap] available items to make such a project? i have no ideas of words/terms to research...

In this case that is a good indication that you should leave such a project to someone else or spend some time learning the prerequisites. Working with high voltages at high frequencies can be very very dangerous especially for someone who doesn't even know what words are involved.