Infrared Sensors for Arduino

I have infrared sensors that I purchased from Kelvin Electronics. However when I tested my code with the sensors, they didnt seem to respond. I understand that something may be wrong with my code or wiring but does anyone have a setup w/ code that easily tests infrared receivers and senders? Thank you!

There are many types of IR sensors. Can you post a link to the one you actually have.

Hi friend,
Check out this URL, It's the most common setup for testing PIR SENSORS , If it won't work share with us your IR properties.

setup for testing PIR SENSORS

Almost certain not to be pir in the light of this:

does anyone have a setup w/ code that easily tests infrared receivers and senders

I'm guessing you have either a pairing of simple IR LED / photodiode or a modulated source and a decoder like a TSOP?

In either case, you may find my attachment to this thread useful, probably part 2 or 4.

But as G_M says, you ought to post details....