I have an issue concearning the iridium-shield with the 9602-modul. My mainboard is an arduinoMEGA2650. When i got it i tested the example-code
"iridium_shield_send.ino" and it worked perfectly. Now I tested it again and it doesn't answer anymore.
I didn't change anything about the code.
I assume that people who don't have this hardware won't answer anyway, so the answering folk already has code and library on their computers!? (library and example-code are too long to get it in this post)
The sbd.Initialisation()-object uses the readAnswer-method. This method stays in a while-loop until Serial.read() finds some useful Bytes in the buffer. All it gets are "EOFs". I used a test-output after the Serial.read() to verify this.
I don't have much faith in this problem getting solved, but if you have an idea what i can try, please tell