I've only been running in the browser.
Can I inspect the code for ArduinoCloud.begin()?
The only thing that seems to be open source is the schematic. The chips are proprietary ATMEL and FTDI. If the chips are proprietary, how is the hardware opensource?
moderator edit: spam removed
Hi @adomanim.
First of all, the subject of this forum topic is the openness of the Arduino Cloud software, not about hardware.
Second, in addition to schematics, Arduino provides the hardware design files, under an open license, for all the open source hardware we manufacture (note that not all the Arduino hardware is open source, but when open source is claimed, the design files are always available under an open license).
The design files can be downloaded from the "CAD Files" link under the "DOWNLOADABLE RESOURCES" section of each of the hardware documentation pages:
I recommend you take the time to educate yourself on what is meant by "open source hardware".
As with anything in the open source world, there is some diversity of opinions on the specifics, but nobody reasonable is going to say that hardware is not open source just because it uses a chip that isn't open source.
There has been some effort to make a formal standard for what is considered "open source hardware", and you can see that here: