Is my arduino mega burnt?

Hi friends, I’ve got trouble with my Arduino Mega2560 because of the motor driver shield short for 2 secs,and my arduino mega has not working. the atmel 16u2 chip is very hot but the previous program i uploaded is burning smell from the chip but still hot!

in a professional environment, any IC that got short-circuited would just be thrown away as you can't really assess the damages even if it seems to work for some stuff.

Then it's up to you, if you can upload code, and it seems to work then it might still be good...

device is unknown to computer. When I put the USB nothing happens!! Totally nothing.

That does not sound promising...

I lost interest long time ago in trying to rescue electronics that was submitted to short-circuit, it's not worth the time and effort usually compared to the price of a new board...

I'm afraid I can't help much

So the component that connects the Mega to the PC gets very hot and does not work, maybe it could be fried ?

the previous code i uploaded is running without any problem.

seems the USB part is dead in some way

you could try uploading code through ICSP

the computer doesn't recognize it!

yes, if the USB port is dead, your PC won't see it, hence the suggestion to use ICSP (you need a programmer)

Atmel 16u2 chip is too hot!

If your good enough at SMT assembly, replacing all the components on the board ought to fix it, but it would be cheaper to buy a new Mega.

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