Hi. How can I check my load cell works? I'd like to get a voltage output from it. Is that doable? Thanks
you need one of these
Apply the maximum exication voltage specified in the datasheet.
Connect a voltmeter capable of reading milivolts to the load cell outputs.
Apply a strain/weight to the loadcell
See if the output changes
My load cell has red, black, white and green wires. Which do I add a voltage to? Which to attach my volt meter? I'm pretty clueless. Thanks so much.
Thanks for getting back so soon. I want to test it without the HX711.
can you post a link so we know which load cell you are using?
The most common wiring with those colors is:
Red and Black for excitation voltage, white and green are the output
So connect +5 to Red, Ground to black and your voltmeter to white and green.
Will do. Thanks again.
No luck with that. I've ordered another.
The voltage will only vary a few tens of millivolts even at maximum weight.
I doubt my meter is that sensitive. It goes from .25V to 25mA to 250mA.
I said in post #3 that your meter need to be able to read millivolts.
Your load cell might be good.
Can you have too many?
Like potato chips?
Can I confess? What I want to make is kind of a scale for the blind. The more weight the higher the pitch it emits or something like that. How do I start going about it? Thanks.
Delete this topic and start a new one describing what you really want to do. That way you will receive responses from more forum members and not just me and @johnerrington
Says "you don't have permission to delete this topic' Where should I post the new one?
I think because you are new. Then mark it as solved just so people don't waste their time reading the topic.
Post your new topic in the Project Guidance catagory but don't expect anyone to do the work for you or spend time searching the internet when you have not.
Before you post the new topic you should do a search for "Arduino scale" and "Arduino talking scale" and "Arduino scale for the blind"
The worse thing you can say is, "I want to do like in this video". Most people won't spend the time to watch a long boring video, especially if it is obviously bogus.
Thanks so much. You've been very helpful. I've got a little 555 circuit that produces a buzz (voltage controlled) I now know I need something to amplify the signal of the load cell to operate it. Probably not an Arduino thing.