Is the Arduino Ethernet Shield compatible with all Arduino boards?

I've been having a look at the web pages about this Ethernet shield but some say it is compatible with the UNO and MEGA and other says "an Arduino board (e.g. the Diecimila).

Does this mean the shield is compatible with all Arduino boards which have the right connectors? And do I use the same Ethernet.h library whichever Arduino I choose?

I've been having a look at the web pages about this Ethernet shield but...

What ethernet shield?

I think you meant "... is NOT compatible with uno and mega..."? (If so, you can re-open your post, edit it.)

What ethernet shield?

This one:


I think you meant "... is NOT compatible with uno and mega..."? (If so, you can re-open your post, edit it.)

No, I meant compatible as in the original post. I have an Arduino UNO and a 2009 and would like to know if the shield is compatible with both of these and if I simply use the ethernet.h library with them.

I could be missing something of course...

So is an Uno NOT an Arduino? If not, how not, please?!!

So is an Uno NOT an Arduino? If not, how not, please?!!

Yes, of course it is!!! (3 exclamations to beat your two!!!).

But it is unclear from the web pages if the Ethernet Shield is compatible with ALL versions of the Arduino.

Hence my original post.

All irrelevant now, since I've just ordered and "Arduino Ethernet".

Cross-posted 4 times.